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MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffee on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553, MSP430G2231


I am trying to program the controller came along with audio booster pack. (MSP430G2553).....

I am Using launch pad with MSP430G2553 mounted. While burning into target ( a simple Uart code)

I am receiving


MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffee on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory

Cannot write to target"


Please help


  • HI Rakesh,

    could you please send some further details?   What version of CCS are you using?  What OS?  How have you set up your project/target configuration?  Note that unfortunately the launchpad is not yet supported with Linux.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Lisa,

    I installed the new firmware for MSP430 launchpad Rev 1.4.

    From then on I am able to burn the target program to MSP430G2553.

    Thanks and Regards

    Rakesh M

  • Hi Rakesh,

    great, glad to hear you are up and running and all the best with development.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello,

    I have the same problem with my launchpad which firmeware version is Rev1.4  with MSP430G2553  ,Windows Vista OS, and CCS v5.0

    MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffee on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory.

    Please help

  • Hi Hatem,

    what exact CCS version do you use?   The first 5.0.x betas did not support the msp430.

    Best Regards,

  • I should have been clearer .. none of the 5.0.x pre release unsupported betas support the msp430 unfortunately.

    I think the best thing would be to use the latest released version which is 5.3.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Rakesh,

    I am facing the same issue. I am extremely new to MSP430 (not even a week yet). Please tell me how you resolved this issue ???



  • I am using CCS v5.3.0.00090 and Launchpad Rev 1.4 & Win  7

  • hi  

    I already installed the CCS v5.3.0.00090 with the additional details: 

    - MSP430G2553 chip

    - Launchpad Rev 1.4

    - Windows XP SP2 or Vista

    Unfortunately I am facing the same issue.

    However, when I use MSP430G2231 or older references (ie: MSP430G221) there is no problem even when I use the older CCS version.

    Please help me as soon as possible. It's a blocking issue for me. The project I am working on depends on this.

    Many thanks

  • Hi Hatem,

    what exact error do you get?  Are you getting this error with all examples and projects/code?

    Have you confirmed chip orientation and jumpers?

    More information would help us here.   Are you using any booster packs etc?   I just confirmed that the G2553 will work with a standard example on both the 1.4 and 1.5 version launchpads.

    Best Regards,

  • hello Lisa,

    I will detail slightly more my problem:

    SoI have a :

    -Launchpad Rev1.4 only (no booster pack)
    -Windows Xp Sp3
    -G2553 properly placed
    -32,786 KHz quartz and two 12pFcapacity correctly mounted.

    All jumpers are placed

    I took the Grace example  "msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin"
      all the steps are past OK except  Step 4: Debug the imported project was aborted and the message appears:
    "MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xfff4 on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory
    MSP430: GEL: File: C: \ Documents and Settings \ hatem.drira \ workspace_v5_3 \ msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin \ Debug \ msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin.out: Load failed.

    I take with the same environment, with another μC(G2231), another example  and everything goes well :) .

    FYI: I do a lot of projects with μC as G2231 and G2211 and I had no problem.
    this problem appears only with G2553.

    I hope this is clear to you.

    thank you in advance

  • Hi Hatem,

    do you have another G2553 or a way to determine if the chip itself might be faulty?   Would you be able to do the following test.

    Get the free flash programming tool from Elprotronic ( and see if you can read/write the G2553 using that tool.  That might be a next step in debugging here.

    Best Regards,