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I am trying to program the controller came along with audio booster pack. (MSP430G2553).....
I am Using launch pad with MSP430G2553 mounted. While burning into target ( a simple Uart code)
I am receiving
MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffee on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory
Cannot write to target"
Please help
HI Rakesh,
could you please send some further details? What version of CCS are you using? What OS? How have you set up your project/target configuration? Note that unfortunately the launchpad is not yet supported with Linux.
Best Regards,
Hi Rakesh,
great, glad to hear you are up and running and all the best with development.
Best Regards,
I have the same problem with my launchpad which firmeware version is Rev1.4 with MSP430G2553 ,Windows Vista OS, and CCS v5.0
MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffee on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory.
Please help
Hi Hatem,
what exact CCS version do you use? The first 5.0.x betas did not support the msp430.
Best Regards,
I should have been clearer .. none of the 5.0.x pre release unsupported betas support the msp430 unfortunately.
I think the best thing would be to use the latest released version which is 5.3.
Best Regards,
Hi Rakesh,
I am facing the same issue. I am extremely new to MSP430 (not even a week yet). Please tell me how you resolved this issue ???
hi Lisa
I already installed the CCS v5.3.0.00090 with the additional details:
- MSP430G2553 chip
- Launchpad Rev 1.4
- Windows XP SP2 or Vista
Unfortunately I am facing the same issue.
However, when I use MSP430G2231 or older references (ie: MSP430G221) there is no problem even when I use the older CCS version.
Please help me as soon as possible. It's a blocking issue for me. The project I am working on depends on this.
Many thanks
Hi Hatem,
what exact error do you get? Are you getting this error with all examples and projects/code?
Have you confirmed chip orientation and jumpers?
More information would help us here. Are you using any booster packs etc? I just confirmed that the G2553 will work with a standard example on both the 1.4 and 1.5 version launchpads.
Best Regards,
hello Lisa,
I will detail slightly more my problem:
SoI have a :
-Launchpad Rev1.4 only (no booster pack)
-Windows Xp Sp3
-G2553 properly placed
-32,786 KHz quartz and two 12pFcapacity correctly mounted.
All jumpers are placed
I took the Grace example "msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin"
all the steps are past OK except Step 4: Debug the imported project was aborted and the message appears:
"MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xfff4 on Page 0 of Length 0x2: Could not write device memory
MSP430: GEL: File: C: \ Documents and Settings \ hatem.drira \ workspace_v5_3 \ msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin \ Debug \ msp430g2xx3_wdt_toggle_pin.out: Load failed.
I take with the same environment, with another μC(G2231), another example and everything goes well :) .
FYI: I do a lot of projects with μC as G2231 and G2211 and I had no problem.
this problem appears only with G2553.
I hope this is clear to you.
thank you in advance
Hi Hatem,
do you have another G2553 or a way to determine if the chip itself might be faulty? Would you be able to do the following test.
Get the free flash programming tool from Elprotronic ( and see if you can read/write the G2553 using that tool. That might be a next step in debugging here.
Best Regards,