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Wintech TDS510USB Plus JTAG Emulator issue

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6748


We have a LogicPD Zoom OMAPL138EVM with TMS320C6748 SOM. Today I found an OLD Wintech TDS510USB Plus JTAG Emulator. I downloaded the latest driver and CCSv4.0 support files for the device from Wintech site. Driver installation was successful and is properly registered in device manager.

 I created a C6000 'Hello world' project in CCSv4.2.2. In target configuration file TDS510USB Plus JTAG selected and C6748 selected and appropriate GEL file added. The program compiled successfully.

But when I launched debug, it says

Error Connecting to target

(Error-603 @ 0x0)

A Required dynamic library could not be resolved.

The library doesn't export a required function

(Release 5.0.333.0)

Content of my ccBoard0 file is

# config version=3.5
$ sepk
$ /
$ uscif
$ /
@ icepick_c family=icepick_c irbits=6 drbits=1 subpaths=1
  & subpath_0 address=17 default=no custom=no force=yes pseudo=no
    @ c674x_0 family=tms320c64plus irbits=38 drbits=1
  & /
# /

Please help......

