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I am using CCSv5.1 as an "Eclipse Plugin" rather than a standalone installation. Below are the versions of eclipse and ccs :
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Indigo Service Release 2
Build id: 20120216-1857
Code Composer Studio
Build id: N201201061800
The debugged works fine . I am able to connect to target and debug without issues. However none of the options under Tools menu work.
For example on selecting "Image Analyzer" I get the following error pop up:
"The chosen operation is not currently available"
Please let me know if this issue is resolved in a later version of CCS
Hi Badri,
are those options greyed out or simply not working? What exactly do you experience? What target are you using? Have you tried v5.2?
Please keep us informed.
Best Regards,
The options are not greyed out. They just dont work. I am using TI816x device with XDS560v2 USB emulator. The SoC has multiple cores (c67x/CortexM3/CortexA8) and behaviour is same on all cores. I am unwilling to migrate to migrate CCS versions as it is a major effort for us unless you are aware of some relevant bug fix that can address this issue.
Hi Badri,
what do you mean by don't work? I am going to see if I can look into this for you to see if there are any known issues etc ...
Best Regards,
As indicated in the original question
For example on selecting "Image Analyzer" I get the following error pop up:
"The chosen operation is not currently available"
Hi Badri,
ok let me look into this. Are you in the debug perspective and connected/ie are you in a debug session when you try?
Best Regards,
Yes I am in debug perspective and connected to target. I am able to view target memory and halt the target.
Hi Badri,
this might be a bit difficult to track and test here. What exact eclipse version are you using? Have you had the image analyser working in another setup? How did you install the image analyser? I assume you are trying an example and your project is a CCS RTSC project?
From your description, it sounds like the image analyser should be working ... especially if you are able to read the memory and have no problems with the memory view.
Best Regards,
Hi Badri,
I just wanted to check whether there are any updates here or whether you are able to send further information?
Best Regards,