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CCS5.3.0: meta-data cannot be interpreted

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO, MSP430F2481, MSP430F5324

See details below.
  Error: Import failed for project 'test3' because its meta-data cannot be interpreted. Please contact support.

I never encountered this issue in ccs5.2.0 and before

and I always met this in ccs5.2.1 and now ccs5.3.0

  • And also, the trick "import Existing projects into workspace" described in this post

    never worked now since this wizard now suggest to use "import existing CCS Eclipse project instead".

    I am using Windows XP.

  • And also, as someone mentioned this is a known issue,

    can you provide the issue number so that i could check if it is claimed FIXED or NOT FIXED in CCS5.3.0 and maybe fixed in future ?

  • Lucifar He said:

    Error: Import failed for project 'test3' because its meta-data cannot be interpreted. Please contact support.

    I never encountered this issue in ccs5.2.0 and before

    and I always met this in ccs5.2.1 and now ccs5.3.0

    Are you able to share the project so we can reproduce the issue? If so, please zip up the project folder and attach here or let us know if you prefer to share via private conversation.

  • Hi AartiG,

    Actually I am not allowed to deliver the whole project . It contains some of our code .

    Can you give me some indication that which file may cause this error message and I could look into it my self or just attach only THAT file instead of the whole project.

    Or if this message may caused by lot's of file, then maybe I could try remove the .c files and only give you other files in project?

  • Hi AartiG,

    Anyhow  I find a trick to import my project, but it's a little complicated.

    Well now I want to know is : What is the issue number and Which version is this issue going to be fixed?

    I really don't want to modify a lot of files everytime I import a project.

  • Lucifar He said:
    Anyhow  I find a trick to import my project, but it's a little complicated.

    Can you share more details on how you were able to import it?

    Lucifar He said:
    What is the issue number and Which version is this issue going to be fixed?

    I am really not sure yet that this is an already known issue. I think we would need a test case or at least project files to be able to confirm if this is an already known issue or a new one. If you cannot share the full project, could you attach all the project files - (ie) .cproject, .project and .ccsproject. We can try to see if these files are sufficient to identify the problem.

  • The way is : copy whole my old WORKSPACE to the new place I want it to be, and inside that new workspace, doing an import.

    And the files are here:


  • Thank you for providing the project files. I can reproduce the issue and have submitted a new bug report for this issue to be analyzed. The tracking # is SDSCM00045943 and you may track its status using the SDOWP link in my signature.

  • Thank you Aarti,

    Hope the CCS be better

  • Hi Lucifar,

    Your .cproject file appears to have become corrupted somehow.  I'm attaching a "fixed" version of the file (note - I had to rename it in order to attach it) - in it, I've commented out the portion of XML which should not be there and which is causing the issues with loading this project.  It is safe for you to remove that piece of XML, because it doesn't really contain any valuable or valid information.  Once you replace your .cproject file, you should be able to import your project into CCS v5.3.0.

    I don't know how your project got to this state, but it is possible this was a result of a bug in the early versions of CCS v5.

    Let us know if you encounter any other problems.


    - Baltasar

  • Thanks Baltasar,

    It seems fine.

  • Having same problem with my ccs 5.3 is there a fix for this?

  • Hi Manoj,

    Can you send me your .cproject, .project, and .ccsproject files?

    - Baltasar

  • I have this problem as well, although for me I can import it on one computer, but on the other I recieve the error.  Both are running 5.3.  Any chance you can help me out?




  • David,

    Could you let me know the complete text of the error you see?

    Also, please send me your .project, .cproject files, and i'll try to reproduce the problem.


    - Baltasar

  • Thanks for your fast response.  I have e-mailed the files to you at



  • David,

    Your project imports without problems for me in CCS v5.3.0 GA (build

    Can you verify that both your machines have the same build of CCS?

    - Baltasar

  • Hmm.  Both the machines I have tried on have Version:  Are there any components that might affect it that one machine may have and another may not?

  • I have the same problem with my windows xp.

    CCS5.3.0.00090_win32 was donwloaded and installed yesterday

    In the example package

    if I import


    the error is there.

  • Incident report SDSCM00045943, "CCS reports error "Import failed for project because its meta-data cannot be interpreted" when importing project" directed me to this thread, which indicates the problem was resolved but it's not clear how. (The Incident Report said the report was declined/not addressed). I have CCS and am having the same issue. What is the workaround for this? There are 3 of us sharing code at this facility and we need to be able to do this.



  • Hi Mike,

    Could you send me the .cproject file from the root of your project?


    - Baltasar

  • 3005..cproject.txt
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <?fileVersion 4.0.0?>
    <cproject storage_type_id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.XmlProjectDescriptionStorage">
    <storageModule configRelations="2" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings">
    <cconfiguration id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1263116219">
    <storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider" id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1263116219" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Debug">
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.binaryparser.CoffParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.CoffErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.LinkErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.AsmErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0">
    <configuration artifactExtension="out" artifactName="${ProjName}" buildProperties="" cleanCommand="${CG_CLEAN_CMD}" description="" id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1263116219" name="Debug" parent="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug">
    <folderInfo id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1263116219." name="/" resourcePath="">
    <toolChain id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000_7.4.exe.DebugToolchain.1153875986" name="TI Build Tools" superClass="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000_7.4.exe.DebugToolchain" targetTool="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000_7.4.exe.linkerDebug.1049879812">

    Hello Baltasar,

    I hope it attached properly - I had to add a .txt extension.


  • Hi Mike,

    Nothing seems to be wrong with your .cproject imports without problems for me when tried on CCS v5.3.0.00090, as well as on the upcoming CCS v5.4.0.

    Could you send me the rest of the project metadata files?  These are all the files that start with a '.' at the root of your project.


    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar

    I have the same problem. I bought TMDSPLCKIT-3 with PRIME library. I do not know which CCS version its examples is created with. But now I use CCS5  v5.3.0.00090. when I import the prime_llc_example CCS5 report "Error: Import failed for project 'prime_llc_example_f2806x' because its meta-data cannot be interpreted. Please contact support."

    Can you tell me how to fix the problem? I attach .project file here.

    Thank you very much.



  • Hi Bin,

    Could you please send me the .cproject file?  It wasn't included in your archive...


    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar

    Thanks for your reply.

    I unzip the file gotten from library, but I can not find the .cproject in the project. I don't know why it is missing. when I import this project with CCS4 v4.2.4 or v4.2.5 they report that managed make project file for project prime_llc_example_f2806x is missing.

    How can I send you full project or the original zip file gotten from TI?

    Thank you.


  • CCS v5.x cannot import a project with a missing .cproject file.  This file contains the bulk of the project-model.

    CCS v4.x had the model stored in a differently named file - .cdtbuild.  That file is auto-migrated into a .cproject file once a v4.x project is imported into CCS v5.x.

    Can you send me the full example project?


    - Baltasar

  • Baltasar,

    I use CCS V5.3.0.00090 with Windows 7. I got the same problem "Error: Import failed for project 'XXX' because its meta-data cannot be interpreted. PLease contact support."

    By the way, how I can attach my .project, .cproject, and .ccsproject file?



  • When I had this problem, I was trying to share projects between a networked system with a floating license and a stand alone system with a node locked license. The problem turned out to be due to the fact that the networked system was running CCS V5.3.0 while the stand alone system was at CCS V5.2.1. When I was able to get the standalone system to V5.3.0 (another story - required 3 installs/removals to get it right and it still reports wrong compiler version) I no longer had the meta-data issue & was able to successfully import/export between systems.

    For exporting, I select File->Export->General->Archive File to generate a zip of the entire project.

    For Importing, I select File->Import->Code Composer Studio->Existing CCS Eclipse Projects->Select Archive File

    I've successfully transfered several projects back and forth between systems using this method.


    Good Luck

  • I am also having this issue, please find .project and .cproject attached - would very much appreciate a fix as this has brought me to a stand still.  I see correction of this issue has been declined by following the issue link?

  • Hi Sean, could you try attaching your files again?  I'll have a look.


    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar, thanks for your help, hopefully attached this time I've chaned the extentsions to .txt




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <?fileVersion 4.0.0?>
    <cproject storage_type_id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.XmlProjectDescriptionStorage">
    <storageModule configRelations="2" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings">
    <cconfiguration id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000.Debug.1168586567">
    <storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider" id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000.Debug.1168586567" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Debug">
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.binaryparser.CoffParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.CoffErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.LinkErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <extension id="com.ti.ccstudio.errorparser.AsmErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/>
    <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0">
    <configuration artifactExtension="out" artifactName="820-0279-x02" buildProperties="" cleanCommand="${CG_CLEAN_CMD}" description="" id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000.Debug.1168586567" name="Debug" parent="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000.Debug">
    <folderInfo id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000.Debug.1168586567." name="/" resourcePath="">
    <toolChain id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000_6.1.exe.DebugToolchain.1588872088" name="TI Build Tools" superClass="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000_6.1.exe.DebugToolchain" targetTool="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C2000_6.1.exe.linkerDebug.1581710216">

  • I should mention the context of my problem - I have a team and it would seem that some of the members is they modify a project with their CCSv5 and then I go to work on it next I run into this snag.  I have checked that I am running the same CCSv5 version as they are :

      CCSv5 Service Release Windows Texas Instruments


    I've tried running update with no success or change to the warning.  The only way I've been able to get around it is to re-create the project from scratch and re-include all needed source files within my CCSv5.



  • Sean,

    Your project imports without issues for me.  Could you restart your CCS and then try to import the project again?  

    - Baltasar

  • Baltasar, 

    I have tried to restart CCS (again) with no change.  I've tried creating a new workspace as well with no luck.



  • Sean,

    Could you send me the screenshot of the exact message you see when importing?  And also the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file?


    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar,

     Here is the import error, this is how I sought out this thread to follow up with:

    Also, I cannot seem to find a .metadata log file, so I have attached the zipped up .metadata folder, thanks so much for your assistance.




  • Good Morning Baltasar, any ideas today on this problem?  I noticed that some of my files in this project where set read only and changed this but still without success.




  • Sean, would you be able to send me the complete project, so i could try to reproduce this problem locally?

    Also, let me know if your machine is the only one that has this problem.  If it is, could you try to uninstall CCS and re-install it?

    And finally, just FYI, CCS v5.4.0 is now available - it would be best to update to it, if you are re-installing CCS.


    - Baltasar

  • Ok, let me try to uninstall and re-install with CCSv5.4.0 first and if that still does not work I'll get my complete project over to you to try.



  • Itappears bug incident #SDSCM00045943 has been declined. I too am having problems importing a Cortex A8 project that worked fine in a previous version of CCS. I am currently using CCS

    What is the solution to resolve this issue?



  • Mark,

    Could you attach the .project and .cproject files from the root of your project?  I'll have a look.


    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar,

    Please see attached.

  • Hi Mark,

    Your .cproject file got somehow corrupted.  I'm attaching a fixed version of the same file - all i did was comment out tree <folderInfo> elements.  These elements have <tool> elements that reference non-existing superclasses.  

    These <folderInfo> elements don't seem to be serving any purpose in any case - they simply duplicate the xdcpath setting, from the project, for three sub-folders.  Do you remember what steps you took to set any settings for these three subfolders?  I've seen the same issue from several users, but haven't been able to reproduce this issue myself yet.  Anything you might remember, could help.


    - Baltasar

  • Thx Baltasar, that did the trick.


    It's been awhile since I last did anything with this project.

    The only thing I remember doingwas importing the original AVSDK project (from CDDS folder) and setting some environment variables:



  • Hi Baltasar,

    As an update to my issue with meta data, I didnt end up removing and reinstalling CCSv5, I found that if I hit the 'finish' button on import the project would appear in the project view window, next I hit 'cancel' to the meta data warning and saw that the project was closed, I found that I could right click on theproject and open it, and from there all appears to be as it should. 

    I suppose this means that at least my CCS installation does not like importing projects that have been set to 'closed' by other developers in my group.

    At any rate, thanks for your time with this problem, much appreciated.



  • Hi Baltasar,

    I see the same problem with CCS v5.4.0.00091.

    I have attached the metadata files. Please let me know if this can be fixed. Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Hi Aditya,

    This does not appear to be a CCS project - its .project file does not list the "ccs nature".  But it does have a .ccsproject file, which causes CCS to treat it as a CCS project.  It is also missing the required .cproject metadata file. 

    - Baltasar

  • Hi Baltasar,

    Thanks for your response. I had created this project in CCS back in 2009. I am not sure which CCS version, but it was definitely a CCS project.

    I may have erred in not uploading all metadata files. All files with a leading "." are now attached. Please let me know if this changes anything.6747.metadata

  • Hello, I am having the very same error.

    I really need to solve this problem as soon as possible but I am stucked. I share .cproject, .project, and .ccsproject files in attachment. Can someone fix this? I would really appreciate help. Thank you very much.

    Best regards.

    Gokhan Ozdogan.

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