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I am trying to build volib_C55_2_0_0_3 with CCS5.3. I am following the directions in the VOLIB: CCS Project Conversion ( prj_convert.html).
I have overcome the first obstetrical in getting a error message....
**** Build of configuration Debug for project VOLIB_C55_PROJECT_CONVERT ****
C:\ti\ccsv5\utils\bin\gmake CCSVERSION=CCSV5 -k .projects
"C:\\ti\\ccsv5\\utils\\bin\\gmake" CCSVERSION=CCSV5 -k .projects
Cannot run program "C:\ti\ccsv5\utils\bin\gmake": The directory name is invalid.
I changed Build location -> Build directory: from its default of ${BuildDirectory} to ${workspace_loc:/VOLIB_C55_PROJECT_CONVERT} by pressing the Workspace... button.
That got rid of the error..
Now I get
**** Build of configuration Debug for project VOLIB_C55_PROJECT_CONVERT ****
"C:\\ti\\ccsv5\\utils\\bin\\gmake" CCSVERSION=CCSV5 -k .projects
gmake: Nothing to be done for `.projects'.
**** Build Finished ****
And of course the project is not converted...
Please help or tell me what I may be missing hear??
I found out for each component (e.g TDU or CID), there are two projects under the packages (CID as an example):
1) The first is under C:\ti\volib_c55_2_0_0_3\packages\ti\mas\cid\test. The project name is called like TI_MAS_CID_TEST_PROJECT_CONVERT. If I imported this into CCSV5.3, I met the issue you mentioned when clean/build.
2) The other is deeper. It is under C:\ti\volib_c55_2_0_0_3\packages\ti\mas\cid\test\ccsProjects\test_rel_c5510_C55L_COFF. The project name is called like test_rel_c5510_C55L_COFF. If I imported this into CCSV5.3, I had no problem to clean/build.
I hope you can resolve the issue with the second project.
Regards, Eric