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Importing CCS 5.5 project into CCS 5.3, MSP430

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2755

I noticed when I tried to import a CCS 5.5 project into CCS 5.3, I get the error:

Error: Import failed for project 'CapacitorBoardApp' because its compiler definition is not available. Please install the MSP430v4.2 compiler before importing this project.

However, when I imported the original project into CCS 5.5 from CCS 5.4, it gave me a warning that it could not find the expected and that the project was built with the new compiler.

Is there any way to force the behavior of the of that CCS 5 had on on update, which is to use the available compiler instead of the configured one? In this case, I cannot import it to change the compiler to an older one.

Is there a way to manually edit some .ini, .pjt, or .xml file to change the expected compiler?

You might say, why do you even want to do this? Well, I have been having so many tool issues on my primary desktop, I decided to move to my laptop which still has CCS 5.3. Changing\updating versions on my desktop has cost me days of issues so I do not want to get the laptop into the same mess.



  • More info:

    Trying to open the project in CCS 5.5 on another PC and select an older compiler version did not work because CCS 5.5 did not have a compiler older than 4.2.1 listed.

    Check for updates in CCS 5.3 only had the option to update the compiler to 4.1.7 which I did. The thought is maybe it only goes up one revision at a time and that 4.2 would be available next time. After update and restart, version 4.2 was not offered as an update.

    However, under Help->Software Updates, compiler version 4.2 was available which I installed. However, then I got the errors:


    Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
    File devices/MSP430G2755.xml does not exist.  Was included by file C:/SFTDEV/ADS5/Peripherals/Target/CapacitorBoardApp/targetConfigs/MSP430G2755.ccxml    MSP430G2755.ccxml    /CapacitorBoardApp/targetConfigs    line 0    Problem


    Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
    This project was created for a device-variant that is not currently recognized: MSP430G2755. Please install the device-variant descriptor, or migrate the project to one of the supported device-variants by adjusting project properties.    CapacitorBoardApp


    I am pretty sure that the MSP430 variant I was using was not available when CCS 5.3 was released. So, back to Help->Updates, there were 3 entries for MSP430, MSP430 Emulators, MSP430 Ware, and I don't remember the 3rd. I "Deselected All" and then Selected these 3. After download and restart of CCS 5.3, I can compile but get errors as it cannot find some included files which are in the project and present. This may be due to some changes in the SYNTAX of project includes in the project file. If this is the case, it is certainly understandable. Everything cannot be backward compatible. I certainly can understand that. But, anyway, in spite of that understanding, I may as well continue to tell the tale.

    So, I added "File System" include paths which took care of the "Unable to open file" errors.


    One thing to comment on this process, the file browser dialog that pops up to select the directory does not remember its last location on the screen or the last directory it was in. However, it DOES remember that I had stretched it out to be as tall as the screen for easier browsing. This makes adding include paths very annoying because now I have to reposition the dialog box and re-navigate to my project directory area to add the next folder. I needed to add 6 folders from my project.


    However, now there are 11 errors, mostly "symbol redefined" errors that did not exist in CCS 5.5.

    So, it looks as if moving to an older version of CCS is not an option. I cannot fault the tool for this; It is an unrealistic goal. I just thought I would give it try. I am going to let the built-in CCS 5.3 utility update itself to CCS 5.5. This will perform an in place (replacement) update I assume. Fortunately, I do NOT have any legacy products built using CCS 5.3 so I do NOT need a SIDE-by-SIDE installation of 5.3 & 5.5.

    So, at this point, there are really no outstanding questions to be answered. I figured I would finish out the post though in case others were considering this.

