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CCS4 Stops Responding after loading in a program to my target

This started happening a few days ago, Whenever i launch a debug session and it loads in the program CCS4 just stops responding and locks up.  CCS4 will not lock up until i load a program, and i have no idea what causes this or how to fix it.

When i attempt to close out of CCS4 i get a message window that says Eclipse and JVM terminated exit code = 1073807364. Any help would be apprecaited.

  • Is this happening consistently? If so, can you give us more information about the problem: e.g. which CCS version are you using? what target? Is it happening on all (or a specific) project? Does it help if you use a clean workspace? a set of steps to reproduce the problem.

    You mentioned that you just started seeing this problem.  This wasn't happening before? What changed? Was the product updated?

    I wonder if this issue is in any way related (or the same as)  Let us know if you think it's the same problem.

    - Navid

  • g Yes this is happening consistantly. This was not happening before, the only thing i Did was make a change to one of my files but everything compiles correctly with no errors or warnings. The product was not updated and i have no installed anything new on the PC.

    I can get the debug session to start CCS v only locks up as soon as i load the program into my DM642 dsp. The entire application then freezes, i cant click on anything. So i click the close X icon in the upper right and i get a message javaw.exe "You chose to end the non responsive program,javaw.exe and then the following window appears.



  • During the hang, if you bring up your Windows Task Manager, is your CPU consumption at 100% or 0%.  I want to see if this is a hang (e.g. a deadlock) or some processing issue. 

    Try closing all the views in your workbench other than the Debug view before loading your program.  When you load your program, most of the open views try updating themselves asynchronously.  The problem could be with one of the views causing a hang.  If this resolves your issue, open each view one by one before loading your program to see which is the culprit.

    Would you be able to attach your project/output file here so we can try to reproduce this issue?

    Finally, if you have access to CCSv4.1, can you please see if the problem exists in there?

  • Here's one more thing you can do to help us pinpoint exactly what the problem is:

    Start CCS on the command prompt with -console command:
      - open command prompt
      - change directory to eclipse folder for CCS (e.g. cd C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\eclipse)
      - type in eclipse -console

    This will bring up a console window once CCS starts.  When CCS hangs, switch to the console window and press CTRL+Break.   This will print out a thread dump, which will contain a stack trace of all the threads.  Do this two or three times at different intervals (e.g. after 10 seconds/1 minutes/2 minutes).  Copy the thread dump here so I can further examine it.


  • I left CCS open in the hang up state when i left last night. This morning when i came in it was no longer locked up. I decided to step over the first line of code, it took about 3 mintues for the line of code to execute and move to the next line. I then set a break point about 10 lines down and attemtped to run and hung for longer then i was willing to wait. I checked my CPU usage and the entire time it never went above 60%.


    I then reopned CCS and closed all the views but debug. I can load in my program and run it. I have yet to determine exactly what view opened caused the hang but if i manage to reproduce it i will post again.

  • Once it's hung, you might also want to get the thread dump as mentioned in my earlier post.  This will tell us exactly where the code is hanging.

  • I have a similar problem.  CCS just hangs on start and becomes non-responsive (sometimes it says "Not Responding" in the title bar). Task Manager reports 0% CPU utilization. When I kill it, I get the same java exit code in the screen cap above. Host is Windows XP64. CCS version I can start a new workspace without a problem, so it's something in my existing workspace or project.

    Started with "eclipse -console" and get this:

    osgi> logConfig DOES NOT exist
    -------Setting DVTLogLevel to: INFO
    -------Setting DVTLogLevel to: INFO


  • Greg,

    In your case I would open the page below and try two things:

    - Clean the workspace (step 2 of the General IDE section)

    - Erase all target cache configuration (steps 2 and 3 of the Debugger section)

    Hope this helps,


  • Wiping the debug target locks got it working. I had only been using CCS for 2 hours when this lockup happened. To be sure I wiped the whole project and started again. (I.e. I nuked the site from orbit.) I hope this isn't a sign that my project is doomed.