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After loading program using CCS4, it hangs in PMI_WaitT1.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAPL138

I am using CCS4, C6748  board, spectrum emulator. I am able to compile, link and load program correctly. When I hit run, it hangs in "PMI_WaitT1" and never able to reach at main. I have tried some examples projects (spi, mmcsd, i2c etc) (\\pspdrivers_01_30_01\packages\ti\pspiom\examples\evm6748). All gave me the same result.

  • CCSv4 will try to auto-run to main on a program load. As for it getting stuck somewhere before getting to main, perhaps you did not initialize your target correctly. Make sure you are using the correct startup GEL file for the C6748. You may also want to post your question in the device forum since there is more expertise on the target



  • Jayesh,

    Did you ever get this problem resolved? We are having the same issue and cannot figure out what is the problem.


  • Hi Ryan,

    The problem is resolved for me. I set all the DIP switches on my eval board (we are using logic PD C6748/Omap138 eval board) to OFF position, even though document was saying different thing. So far, it is working fine for me.


  • Jayesh,

    Thanks, that got us going again. I would still like to see a good answer for why this happens from TI.

  • Jayesh, Ryan,

    Turning off all S7 switches enables the boot from SP1 FIash. Therefore my guess is that, if your Flash has pre-loaded code (X-loader, U-boot or something else) and you are using the OMAPL138 SOM (not the C6748), you may be inadvertently initializing the device.

    I have seen this mix-and-match happen before, therefore if you intend to develop for the C6748 make sure to use this SOM with the corresponding GEL files (the OMAPL138 DSP GEL file is different than the C6748 GEL file).

    In any case this indicates the device initialization changed, but it is difficult to know without a test code that reproduces it.

    Just for reference, there is a similar discussion in the forum thread below:



  • Rafael,

    It seems like the emulator should override the flash boot regardless of how the switches are set. Is this not so? Also we are developing with the C6748, not the L138. I am not sure about the Logic PD board, but on our new prototype board, nothing has ever been loaded into flash.

