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I'm a new user of CCS4. I remember in old CCS versions, we can click "load program" everytime we rebuild it. But in the CC4 version, I could only manually load the program for the first time after I launch TI debugger. After the board is connected, if I rebuild the program, the "load program" will disappear. In stead, it will ask me if I need to re-load the program. Can I set it as manually "load" the program?
in the past my steps: load---observe---power down---debug--rebuild---power up---load---run.....
can I do it the same way in CCS4? I prefer manually load it instead of automatically load.
By the way, how can I load the program only in RAM(i.e, not store in FLASH) so that after the target board reset, I can still have my own original codes?
Hi Violet,
If you go to Window->Preferences a Box with a lot of options will pop up. One item is CCS. If you expand CCS you will see debug settings including some of the options regarding prompting for rebuild etc. I have attached a screenshot.
Regarding the memory options, what target are you using? This will be in the option for the device you are using. For example on the MSP430 you have a "retain unchanged memory" option among a couple others.
I hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your help.
I'm using TMDSACDCKIT: C2000 AC/DC Developer's Kit. I guess I only need to select the active build--RAM option? Right? Pls correct me if there is any misunderstanding.
Hi Violet,
It looks like you have found the right area to explore some of your options.
You can yes, try some of the options like load to RAM only, you can also load symbols only.
The other thing you can do is to go extremely manual. Ie do not have the "Connect to target on debugger setup" selected. Launch the debugger and go to Target->Load Program to manually load your program.
I hope this has helped!