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CCS/TMS320C6748: Verification failed: Values at address 0xC0000000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.

Part Number: TMS320C6748
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAPL138,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Recently I found this error always occur when i was trying to debug my program.

C674X_0: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0xC0000000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.

C674X_0: GEL: File: D:\Users\zhuji\Projects\CCD\SY18-201708\DSP\ndkTest\Debug\ndkTest.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.

I workaround it by first launching another project and this project again. I don't know why? Could you help me to fix this issue, thank u.

PS: my environment is 

  1.  CCS 7.2
  2.  PDK pdk_omapl138_1_0_1
  3.  NDK ndk_2_20_06_35
  4.  C6748 LCDK