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CCS/MSP430F5329: Unresolved Symbol but defined declaration

Part Number: MSP430F5329

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am migrating a project. I got easily with the porting of some libraries but now I am facing a weird issue. The libraries are added on the include file and also precompiled (don't think this is necessary but I am desperate). When I try to compile it shows the functions which are not resolved but when I click them and  then "Open Declaration" it will show where the functions are. 

I find it odd because I assume that if the compiler knows where the function is it should resolve its name likewise. 

As you can guess from the image the files with the symbols definitions is GPIO.c.

Thanks for your help

  • Just in case anyone needs this.

    The solution is to copy all the include files inside the project. I guess CCS wont compile the sources if they are outside a CCS project. So just make sure your includes are there and pull or copy your sources into your CCS project.
  • Werner,

    Yes you want to have your .c files in your project. They don't have to physically be in the project folder (although that is recommended), it is possible to link them to your project. For linked files the file will show up in project explorer but will still be in its original location. For .h files you just need to have the location of the files specified in the include search path (top box in your screen capture).
