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CCS/MSP-EXP430G2: MacOS 10.13.6] Error connecting to the target: (Error -260 @ 0x0)

Part Number: MSP-EXP430G2

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi, I'm using the CCS cloud version to work with my MSP430 launchpad.

I'm using the latest Macbook Pro 15 inch that has MacOS 10.13.6 installed.

I have installed the TICloudAgent on /Users/Me/ and I'm using both latest Firefox 62 and Chrome 69.

However, I get this error.

How can I solve this?

Also, this appears as well.

  • David,

    The error message is triggered by the use of a XDS110 Debug Probe, but your board does not use one. Check your target configuration.

    Hope this helps,
  • Is this a MSP-EXP430G2 or a MSP-EXP430G2ET?  

    The first one is really not supported on MacOS.  Your first error message is odd as Rafael pointed out the board you are using does not have an XDS110 on it.  The debug connection is selected based on what device you selected so I am not sure how a 110 would be selected.

    As far as the second error message I see the same.

    It mentions a script to run.  I my case I do not have admin privileges to run the script.

    If you have admin privileges on your Mac you could run that script.  However even with the the only thing you would be able to do is flash the device.  You will not be able to debug.  The EXP-MSP430G2 is very old and the debug interface on it is not supported on Mac.  The EXP-MSP430G2ET is very new and is supported on Mac.



  • Thanks for your reply.

    desouza said:
    Check your target configuration.

    I have used the desktop version of CCS so I was expecting this type of menu.

    However, due to my recent migration, I cannot find this configuration menu.

    Can you help me with this?

    Also, how can I solve this problem?

  • Are you trying to use an MSP-EXP430G2 or a F28M35?

    The functionality of CCS Cloud is quite limited. There is no graphical editor for target configuration files (.ccxml). If you have one in your project you can open it in a text editor but not a GUI. In general if you needed to edit that file then CCS Cloud is likely not going to be the product for you and we would recommend CCS Desktop. CCS Cloud is best suited to running examples without having to install CCS Desktop and doing basic development on a LaunchPad.

    As for that second error message. Have you run the script that it mentions? In general the MSP-EXP430G2 is not supported on Mac.  The MSP-EXP430G2ET works well on desktop CCS for Mac and Linux and CCS Cloud is getting an update to enable it.


  • David,

    Please apologize; I missed that you were using CCS Cloud. As John said, this tool does not have the same Target Configuration Editor as the desktop version.

    Also, as John mentioned, the project selected on the CCS Cloud defines what Debug Probe / target device will be used. In this case, can you be sure the correct project is selected? (I have been confused many times by launching the debugger without the correct project selected)

    Hope this helps,

  • Sorry guys. I chose the wrong target; the MSP432 so that XDS debugger popped up.

    JohnS said:
    Are you trying to use an MSP-EXP430G2

    Yes, I got the old MSP-EXP430G2.

    Although I have executed the script, the same error shows up.

    This is because the MSP-EXP430G2 doesn't support MacOS, right?

  • David,

    Yes that LaunchPad just isn't supported on Mac. We had basic flashing working for a bit but it was pretty brittle. The newer MSP-EXP430G2ET will be supported shortly. We have Mac support for MSP-EXP430G2ET in Desktop CCS but Cloud CCS support is still being added.
