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CCS/CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL: Noob question CCS *.out file to UniFlash?

Part Number: CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, CC3220SF,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I'm trying to get a handle on the CC3220 development board. I've been able to build, run and debug the FreeRTOS demo application (simply_blinky variant) using CCS 8. I'd like to permanently program the board with that image but I am unsure how to move from the *.out file to... well whatever it is that UniFlash requires. I attempted enabling the HEX tool in CCS and was able to generate a single hex file, but either Uniflash rejected the file, or the "image" is unusable. My *.out file (ELF? Haven't checked yet) is ~500Kb but the hex file from the hex tool is only 98Kb. I contacted customer support and received the standard RTFM answer I expected. I was sent the UniFlash manual that really has nothing about what I am asking (other than it specifies what formats are accepted). In fact, the screens shown in look nothing like the UniFlash tool that I have installed. 

The only image I am able to flash is the OOB example imported from the pre-compiled zip file. This 'project' contains a mcuflash.img and a service pack BIN file. I have neither of these for my FREERTOS executable. I am no closer to a solution. 

Is there any documentation on 'transferring' executables from CCS to a Uniflash image? Perhaps I am simply way out in 'left field' and have missed something?

  • Hi Russell,

    Please see the 'Adding an MCU Image' section of the SimpleLink Academy Uniflash ImageCreator lab:

    Best regards,
  • Hi Kristen, 

    So does that mean "mcuflashimg.bin" (the only filename I've ever seen in UniFlash image text box)  is the signed binary created by UniFlash that is sent to the dev board? Are there any logs provided or way to confirm the image against my binary?

    I found the following documents late Friday that seems to hold the information I wanted. The link to the TI Resource Explorer is great, thank you. 

    Secure boot. Explains how to create a One Time Programming block and how to create a vendor certificate catalog

    Up to date guide for Uniflash!

  • So this is where I'm at. Thoughts?

    - Import all the examples via Project -> Import CCS Projects
    - Compile the project trigger_mode_CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL_nortos_ccs
    - Open my serial connection (COM5) in putty
    - Debug Project. I get output in my serial console. Yay! Close putty.
    - Open SimpleLink Image Creator (UniFlash)
    - New project
    - Device Type CC3220SF, Device Mode Development, Create Project
    - In Simple View Press "Connect" to test. Connected
    - Start Role: Access Point
    - Browse to: ...\workspace_v8\trigger_mode_CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL_nortos_ccs\Debug\trigger_mode_CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL_nortos_ccs.out. Press :Open
    - MCU Img text box now equals "mcuflashimg.bin"
    - Add Service Pack from here: "E:\ti\simplelink_cc32xx_sdk_2_30_00_05\tools\cc32xx_tools\servicepack-cc3x20\sp_3.9.0.6_2.0.0.0_2.2.0.6.bin"
    - Write Image to board
    - Power off board
    - Power on board and open putty COM5
    - Press and hold reset. No love.
  • Hi Russell,

    I just followed the above steps you listed and successfully flashed the Trigger Mode nortos example to my CC3220SF LaunchPad. The mscuflashimg.bin is the signed binary that is flashed to your board.

    A few questions:
    1) Which version of Uniflash are you using?
    2) What are the SOP settings on your board? View the 'Program an Image' section on the SimpleLink Academy Lab I linked earlier for more info on that.
    3) Have you tried flashing any other demos?

    Best regards,
  • 1) Which version of Uniflash are you using?
    2) What are the SOP settings on your board? View the 'Program an Image' section on the SimpleLink Academy Lab I linked earlier for more info on that.
    SOP is 1.
    3) Have you tried flashing any other demos?
    I've also tried flashing the FreeRTOS code base simply_blinky example with the same results. I can run it in the debugger but nothing runs when I program with UniFlash. I also just tried the Certificate Signing Request demo without success.
  • Can you try flashing with the SOP set to 100? (Make sure to reset board after).

    Also to clarify, are you able to flash and run the the project that is in '' that is in \examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash?
  • "Also to clarify, are you able to flash and run the the project that is in '' that is in \examples\rtos\CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL\demos\out_of_box\uniflash?"

    Yes, I can run the above zip package and the Freertos variant as well. It programs in SOP 100 and in SOP 010, but only runs in SOP 010 (expected).

    I did try running my modified watchdog application but it didn't work. I didn't write down my process and so I went back to CCS to confirm the application works.

    After changing the SOP jumper my board won't respond to CCS when I try to debug anything. I've reset my board and CCS multiple times now. I get a pretty standard "CS_DAP: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1170 @ 0x0) Unable to access the DAP. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package 8.0.803.0)"

    I'll reboot my host computer and see if that helps.
  • So it appears I accidently programmed it into production mode, causing the debugger errors noted above. Once I reprogrammed the board in development mode, I tested my modified watchdog project with the debugger. I then switched SOP to 100, reset the board and then flashed the (modified watchdog project) image. I moved the SOP jumper back to 010 and reset the board. I get no output in the console.

  • Hi Russell,

    Could you upload/message me your modified watchdog project image?
  • Here is the CCS project with the image that was just running on my board through the debugger. Thanks for all your help with this!

  • Hi Russell,

    I was able to successfully flash your project to my board and see an output in the console. What I did step-by-step:

    1) Opened Uniflash, selected 'CC3220SF-LaunchXL' and 'Start Image Creator'

    2) New Project with 'Device Type: CC3220SF', 'Device Mode: Develop'

    3) In Simple View: Uploaded the project .bin file to MCU Img. Uploaded Service Pack v3.9.0.6_2.0.0.0_2.2.0.6.bin.

    4) Double check that device is in Development Mode

    5) Set SOP to 100 on LaunchPad.

    6) Connect, Burn, Program Image

    7) Unplug LaunchPad, set SOP to 010, plug back in

    8) View successful output on console

    For reference, here is what my board looks like:

    After you flash your program, is your LED still toggling?

  • Thank you Kristen, I was flashing the wrong file. I was flashing the project .out file instead of the .bin file. A true face-palm moment.

    I appreciate you helping me work through my mistake. As a suggestion, perhaps the UniFlash software could display the original file name somewhere for reference since it always displays mcuflashimg.bin in the MCU Img box?

    Thanks again,
