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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Trying to set up the online GUI Composer 2, and I'm having issues connecting to the device:
I checked the config.json in the TICloudAgent folder and this is the result:
Can someone help me set this up correctly? Many thanks.
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum, I'm new here.
Thanks for getting back to me! For reference, DANSPI~1 is just a trick the windows file system uses to shorten my username (replacing the path with the actual username is fine for traversing the file system e.g. "C:\Users\Dan Spingarn\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments" and "C:\Users\DANSPI~1\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments" would go to the same location.
What's odd to me is that the file path when searched for cuts off at the space in "Texas Instruments".
We've been trying to figure out why, in a few isolated cases, the path in config.json is not converted to a Windows 8.3 path (long paths seems to cause problems elsewhere but not on all PCs). The issue has not been reproducible for us.
Could you try a couple of things? First, if you delete the C:\Users\DANSPI~1\TICloudAgent folder and re-run the ticloudagent__*.exe installer that should still be in your downloads folder, does the config,json get re-created with 8.3 paths?
Could you also edit the last part of the path in config.json from "\\Texas Instruments\TICloudAgent" to "\\TEXASI~1\\TICLOU~1" ? Does GUI composer work any differently after this change?
Deleted the indicated folder and redownloaded with the exe installer. Config.json is re-created with the same path as before
Edited the path and the path wasn't found. Trying the symbol TEXASI~1 did not work, nor did TICLOU~1, in windows file explorer
I decided to peek at what the console was displaying in my browser (Chrome v. 70, also tried in firefox but same exact issue). Here's what I got after hitting the "flash" button.
So I went back and restored the file path to the default, and looked at the console again, and this is what I got:
(Scrolled down a line or two and got this):
Hopefully someone can glean some more information from this!