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CCS/CC3220: Uniflash, image creator issues/questions

Part Number: CC3220

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I'm trying to set up uniflash to automate a few things with the image creator and cc3220, I encountered a few issues.

Corrupted project

Sometimes I get the error: "Error loading users files: File paths must not start or end with "/". "

The only thing I can do afterwards is to recreate or reimport the exact same project to make it work. I'm not sure how to reproduce it but it happens up to a few times per day, always when coming back to it after working on something else.

Is there a known issue with this?

Shortcut to start directly in image creator

Is there a way to start directly image creator for cc3220 without having to use the window "Choose Your Device" ? 


Dev mode in command line

How can I set up the project to be in development or production mode using the command line?

I expected to be able to run something like:

SLImageCreator.exe project --name Sensor_v2 --reconfig dev_mode.json

With the json being:

"devMac": "58:7a:62:41:47:80"

I've tried a few permutations with "reconfig", "reconfigure", as well as with and without "--file" but always get a command line parsing error.

MCU image replace in GUI 

When I use the advanced=>UserFile=>Overwrite file, I get the error "Error: MCU image file exceeds the maximum size for this device". 

The only way I found is to delete the file, and reupload it and respecify the certificate and private key, which is a pain when doing it often...

I cannot use simple mode since this overwrite the certificate store. 

Is there another way? Or is it possible to fix this in the next versions?

Note: I'm using uniflash 4.5

P.S. Is it the correct forum for uniflash?