Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I define a fuction pointer type as ftype, and define a function fun(...) as following:
typedef int (*ftype )(const int16_t* data_in,
int fun( const int16_t* data_in,
int16_t* data_out) {
return 0;
Then, I define a fuction pointer pfun and point to the fun(..):
ftype pfun;
pfun = fun;
the fuction is located at address 0x18XXX(extended memory), but the fuction pointer pfun = 0x8XXX with the page 1 lost, not the exptected 0x18XXX. if make call to pfun, the program run corrupted.
What is wrong?
I select the Runtime Model Options "Far fuction pointers(--use_far_alls,-mf)", but when linked, it failed:
fatal error #16019: file "D:/ti/myprojects/vcs/dtmf_aec/rts.lib<assert.obj>"
specifies non-extended memory model, which is not compatible with extended
memory model specified in a previous file or on the command line
What shuld do I? How to specify memory model?
Our CCS version is Version:, the compiler version is V4.2.0.
Best Regards,