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OPA335 TINA Example different analysis result

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA335


HiAppendix- OPA335.pdf

I'm trying to understand about the "Shunt Amplifier 12V" TINA example (Appendix 1). When I'm doing "Analysis-> DC Analysis-> DC Transfer characteristic" I'm getting a graph input current (A) Vs Output Voltage (Appendix 2). According to the graph, in 1A I should get 2V in the output. When I'm doing "Analysis-> Transient" I Get that in 1A the output is 1.19V (As it should according to theoretical calculation). Why the result are not the same?

In addition (and less important from the previous question), in the Transient Analysis, when the input load is 0A I get 1.2V, why is that? (Theoretical calculation showed a different result)

Thank A lot,

Idan Ozana

  • Hi Idan,

    FYI, We're trying to reach out to app engineer for this particular product. Once he has an answer he will get back to you.

  • Hi Idan,

    I didn't have your original OPA335 TINA setup file so I redrew it in TINA. When I performed both the DC Transfer Characteristics and Transient Analysis I received correct results. You can see the results below. Possibly something is set differently in the original than from the way I set my circuit up.

    I have attached my TINA file for your examination.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering
