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WEBENCH® Tools/LM25085: Buck converter LM25085 is not working when connect load

Part Number: LM25085

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools



I have designed DC -DC 24V to 5V supply. and we are follow TI WEBENCH design. but when load is connected then O/P is 0V.

WithOut Load condition : 

1) Vin = 24V  and O/P : 5V  : R1 = 44.2K  & R7 = 2.1K (FB pin Voltage = 1.3V)

2) Vin = 24V  and O/P : 5V  : R1 = 95K & R1 = 1.43K (FB pin Voltage = 1.3V)

With Load condition : 

1) Vin = 24V  and O/P : R1 = 44.2K  & R7 = 2.1K  When Load 3A to 500mA (FB pin Voltage = 0V)

2) Vin = 24V  and O/P : R1 = 95K & R1 = 1.43K When Load 3A to 500mA (FB pin Voltage = 0V)

Schematic : 

Layout : 

 Kindly possible to get quick help in regard of this issue. 

Thanks in advance.