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I am trying to load the TINA model for the TPS63060 on this page
If I try to use the macro wizard to import the TINA-TI Transient Spice model it give me an error. If I try to load the PSPICE model I end up with a VAUX in the wrong place and I cannot import it either.
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I don't understand why it would be difficult to import TI's OWN model into TINA.
Thanks for any help!
The PSpice models for power devices that are in the product folders are encrypted and cannot be imported into TINA-TI directly. The TINA-TI models for the power devices are also encrypted and can only be used in TINA-TI.
The conversion from a PSpice model to a TINA-TI model requires a reference design and model to be created and tested to make sure that the two tools show the same simulation performance. This process takes about two to three weeks from the time it is scheduled.
HI Paul,
The TINA-TI model for TPS63060 is already available in the product folder. You do not need to import it into TINA again. You can simply open the Reference Design (.TSC), make changes to the circuit if needed and start simulatiing the circuit. The import feature is used for "unencrypted" PSPICE models that are not available in TINA-TI already.
Note that you can not import encrypted PSPICE (or any other simulator for that matter) into TINA-TI since it does not have the de-encrytion key. This will be the case with any simulator, not just TINA-TI.
I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if you have any other concerns.
Best regards,
Ok, I am confused then. How do I take the Tina zip file on the tps63060 page and make Tina see and use it!
I tried by unzipping it and copying the three files into,the corresponding directories (I am not at my computer right now, but it seems like two went in a lib directory and one went into a macro directory.) That didn't work.
So I deleted them and tried using the macro wizard.
I guess that I am to seeing what I need to do in order to use the zip file on the tps63060 page. Thanks!
The TINA .zip file in the product folder has several files in, the .tld file, the .lib file and the .tsm file. The .lib and .tld files are used for adding devices to the pull down menu in TINA-TI and are not necessary. The .tsm file is the macro file with the symbol and model contained in it. Simply use the TINA-TI function Insert--> Macro... and navigate to the location where you saved the .tsm file on your computer. This will place the macro into your schematic.
Alternatively, you could download the TINA Reference design from the product folder. This has an example design in a self contained file (.tsc) that included the model macro and a reference design to show how the product operates. You can then modify the design to your needs and run your simulation from it.