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PMP7935: programmable output voltage

Part Number: PMP7935

I'm looking for a VRM module.
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In the TI homepage,
we found "PMP7935(High Power Density Voltage Regulator Module for CPU Core Power in Enterprise Switching)" but it doesn't fit.

The specifications we want are as follows
(1) Vin = 12Vdc
(2) The output voltage commercial range may be at least greater than 0.5Vdc and less than 1.5Vdc  (DAC programmable output voltage by MCU)
(3) Pout = min 60W (40Adc @ 1.5Vdc)
Does your company have a product that satisfies these specifications?
Or is there a product that satisfies this specification as much as possible?

I'm sorry I did not speak English well. ^^