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Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
please give me calculation of parameters excel file, my design: VIN=16~40VDC, voutput=8V, IOUT=1.25A; isolated ; thanks
Hi User,
Please use the below Webench link to create the design for LM5022 for your conditions.
You can also create design for the other input output conditions using the panel in the homepage.
The details of the transformer and mosfet are provided in the BOM list.
Thanks and Regards,
hi Atul Kulkarni23 ,
I know the WEBENCH , but also I had checked the transformer( the recomand by WEBENCH), the datasheet of the transformer notes the inductan base is 9.7uH, but WEBENCH notes Lp is 38.8uH, so I have no idear , so I just want to know how to design the transform。
Hi User,
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Please find the below equation for calculating inductance.
Lprim = Vin * Dutycycle/(fsw * Delta_IL)
where Delta_IL = In_Average/Dutycycle
In_Average = Pin/Vin
Regarding the datasheet of the transformer please note that for the current design configurable transformer (749196531)is selected wherein the primary inductance of the transformer can be changed by changing the connections at the primary side.
For example if 12 and 2 are connected then the total inductance is Lprim*2^2.
Since Lprim = 9.7uH the total inductance calculated is 9.7*4=38.8
Transformer design involves iterations and lot of variables like calculation of AWG, choosing appropriate flux density, Number of turns, Layers, Strands, Kg(core geometry factor), WEBENCH designer runs an algorithm to calculate the above parameters for a calculated inductance value.Currently we don’t have excel file for these calculations.
Thanks and regards,
Atul Kulkarni
hi Atul ,
so happy to receive your reply, this is very useful to me, thanks . best regards.
Yes you are correct regarding the primary inductance calculation of 749196541 transformer.
You can contact the vendor for 749196531 transformer on regarding the order.
We are using VinMax in calculating the primary inductance. So updating 16V with 40V comes around 26uF in your calculation.
Currently we do not have user guide for LM5022 flyback. Kindly apologise.
Thanks and Regards,
hi Atul,
so happy to receive your reply . calculate Mosfet parameters VDS=VIN_MAX+Vor+Vleg , Vor=n*(vo+vf); n=vin_min*Dmax/{(vo+vf)*(1-Dmax)}=16*0.4/(8+1)*0.6=1.185---choose n=1.2; so vor=1.2*(8+1)=10.8V,
and also VDS=40+10.8+Vleg=50.8+Vleg---choose VDS=100v; According the formula :Pout=η*VIN*D*Ids*0.5 (η=0.8, Dmax=0.4, VIN_min=16V)---Ids_max=3.9A--choose Ids_max =10A; so CSD19537Q3 (100V, 9.7A) and CSD19534Q5a (100V, 10A) meet VDS and Ids, now just calculate Idrive capability of NMOS , CSD19537Q3 datasheet parameter Qg=16~22nC, t=ton+tr=9+14=23ns, I=Qg/t=16/23=0.6956A.; L
The LM5022 provides an internal gate driver through the OUT pin that can source and sink a peak current of 1 A to control external, ground-referenced N-channel MOSFETs. SO choose CSD19537Q3 . am I right?
the second question : I will choose transform Np/Ns: 1.25:1; and Np:Nau:1.11:1; so the auxiliary winding is Vau=(Np/Ns)/(Np/Nau)*(vo+vf)=1.25/1.11*(8+1)=10.135V, the LM5022 VCC=Vau-0.5=9.635V, according the LM5022 VCC( External voltage at V CC) is 7.5V~14v, so the auxiliary winding votlage is ok, am I right.