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Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
I dont understand how could I import TPS 62130 spice model which downloaded from link:
I have look through some tutorials for this related topic but the example just shown a simple op amp import instead of complex module. I dont have clear idea on that especially I dont understand what does each file in the folder stand for. Wish there is a video or steps shown properly how does the process going through. Thanks.
Actually I am new to TINA, I try to export the simulation circuit from WEBENCH. I can perform transient analysis with expected result but when I trying to do dc analysis such as measuring the output voltage using voltmeter. The output voltage return is 720.01nV. My expectation is it should obtain 4.2V for this design. I also try to change the voltage source to 12V battery but return with same results. May I know where I have make the mistake? Thanks.