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PMP10222: Gerber data and BOM, Schematic data is different

Part Number: PMP10222

Hello experts,

My customer is interested in PMP10222.

But Gerber data is different from BOM, schematic data.

For example, there is no foot print of C102 on Gerber data. Also, they said that there is no R101, C101 on Gerber data.

Could you check the detail, please?

Thanks and best regards,

Ryo Akashi

  • Akashi-san,

    Thanks for pointing this out. This does happen on some of our projects. It may not make sense to do a new layout if the changes are minor. We typically use reference designators that are far away from the rest of the design. In this case they are in the 100s.

    There should be a note on the schematic that the components need to be added to the board. I will let the designer know.
