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TIDA-01540: Two different power supplies

Part Number: TIDA-01540
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1311

Hello Team TI,

In TIDA-01540, voltage sensor circuit is designed as follows. Can we provide 3V/ 5V supply for the VDD1 in AMC1311? Do these encircled parts different from each other?

Thank You.

  • Dear Utsav, 

    The blue and the red 3.3V are from different power domains. The power for the red domain comes from connector J1 (page 5 of 6 coordinates C1 from the schematics). The power for the blue domain comes from connector J4 (page 2 of 6, coordinates D1 from schematics). The two different domains allow full isolation of the sensing part versus the power part. To achieve this isolation also the power supplies connected to J1 and J4 must be isolated from each other. This keeps the 1.2kV main power from entering into your sensing circuit (safety).

    Best regards
