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TIDA-01605: Short circuit Detection and Two level Turn off Circuitry

Part Number: TIDA-01605
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC21520, , UCC21750, ISO5852S, ISO5452

Hi TI Experts,

I am planning to replace my MOSFETs with SIC MOSFETs. I have seen TIDA-01605 reference design From TI. Currently i am using UCC21520 isolated dual channel driver.

My question is when i drive my MOSFETs there is no extra protection stage. But in TIDA-01605 there is short circuit detection circuit and two level turn off circuit.

What is the risk in removing these circuits?. Can i simply drive a SIC MOSFETs with +15V and -5V without these protection circuits?



  • Thanks Aneesh,

    Yes you can. Since SiC is faster with high dv/dt and di/dt, You may need to slow down them with larger Rg external or insert a Ferrite bead between output to gate of MOSFET.


  • Dear Wei,

    Thanks for the reply.

    So We can drive SIC MOSFETS without protection circuit but with a gate resistor. And if i am not using the protection circuit i need to slow down the switching with a gate resistor right?.

    But i have a question,

    If i drive SIC MOSFETS with a higher gate resistor actually loosing the advantage fast turn ON and OFF characteristics of SIC right? So my switching losses will be comparatively little higher right?

    Correct me If i am wrong



  • Aneesh,

    Though it depend on power level, protection features like Miller clamp, Over-current detection, negative turn-off bias are important for SiC.

    One way to loosen or reduce the requirement of the features i mentioned is , like you said exactly, push the gate resistor higher to slow down the switching speed. But this can't solve everything

    Like you said, SiC can switch very fast, and its important to leverage this trait in designs to increase efficiency. Without using any protection feature with SiC it can hamstring the design and removes the advantages that SiC provides to a system.

    If i may, I recommend to take a look at an excellent report by one of our colleagues, linked below, that goes tppic by topic and explains how protection feature matter for SiC and the consequences that those features protect against.

    Hopefully this answers your questions, if it did please let me know by pressing the green button. And let us know if you have further questions.



  • Hi Dimitri,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I read the application note suggested by you and understood the concept. I have two more questions

    1. The same gate driver circuit  TIDA-01605 can be used For GAN also? OR any change in circuit i required to drive the GAN?

    2. Can you suggest one Silicon Carbide driver to drive a high side and Low side driver with Desat detection and protection circuits rom TI?



  • Aneesh,

    Aneesh TS said:
    1. The same gate driver circuit  TIDA-01605 can be used For GAN also? OR any change in circuit i required to drive the GAN?

    TIDA-01605 can't be used to drive GaN.

    There are many types of GaN - What type of GaN device or even if you have the part number do you plan on driving?

    Aneesh TS said:
    2. Can you suggest one Silicon Carbide driver to drive a high side and Low side driver with Desat detection and protection circuits rom TI?

    Currently we do not have dual channel drivers with integrated Overcurrent/DESAT detection.

    While these features /could/ be implemented by external circuits, this kind of defeats the purpose of using a dual ch driver. Doing so actually adds more cost, PCB area, dev time than using single-ch Driver with those features integrated and theres other limitations of using a dual ch driver on its.

    Instead, I would recommend to use 2x Single channel drivers to drive high low sidewhen you need DESAT and other protection features, such as soft-turn off, miller clamp, etc. We have many resources to help in your design with these products and of course we will always be able to provide support on E2E.

    I would recommend to take a look at UCC21750 and ISO5852S (or ISO5452) which should suit your needs. They all share, STO, DESAT, Miller clamp features.

    To offer a basic comparison of the families by feature set is below. Short story is that UCC217xx has protection features that aren't in ISO5x5x and can support higher drive currents without requiring external current buffer circuit.


    • +/- 10A Drive strength
    • Isolated Analog sensing (APWM)
    • DESAT or OC detection (OC can also be used as DESAT, very flexible)
    • Soft turn-off (2LTO w/ soft turn off also an option)
    • Integrated miller clamp (external miller clamp control pin also an option)


    • Single or dual output
    • +2.5/-5A drive strenght
    • Integrated Miller clamp
    • STO only on dual-channel devices (ISO5852S and ISO5452)

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.



  • Hi Dimitri,

    Thank you for your valuable comment.This resolved my issue.

