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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: BLE multi role example how to get write response data ?

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1

HI, this is vadivelan,

I'm using BLE multirole example in that imported serial socket example for transferring 16 bytes of data's

I want to after sending data response data which function or structure containing that information help mee

using sdk is  simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_5_200_00_52 

  • Hey Vadivelan,

    If you take a look at multi_role.c, you will find multi_role_procesGATTMsg(), which is triggered when the stack processes a GATT message. Below is an excerpt of our example code that showcases what I believe you are looking for. Specifically, see the ATT_WRITE_RSP else if statement.

    // Messages from GATT server
      if (linkDB_Up(pMsg->connHandle))
        if ((pMsg->method == ATT_READ_RSP)   ||
            ((pMsg->method == ATT_ERROR_RSP) &&
             (pMsg->msg.errorRsp.reqOpcode == ATT_READ_REQ)))
          if (pMsg->method == ATT_ERROR_RSP)
            Display_printf(dispHandle, MR_ROW_CUR_CONN, 0, "Read Error %d", pMsg->msg.errorRsp.errCode);
            // After a successful read, display the read value
            Display_printf(dispHandle, MR_ROW_CUR_CONN, 0, "Read rsp: %d", pMsg->msg.readRsp.pValue[0]);
        else if ((pMsg->method == ATT_WRITE_RSP)  ||
                 ((pMsg->method == ATT_ERROR_RSP) &&
                  (pMsg->msg.errorRsp.reqOpcode == ATT_WRITE_REQ)))

  • After sending data using the bellow function I'm gonna get ATT_WRITE_RSP?

    SimpleStreamClient_sendData(connHandle, &SendDdatatoBand, len);

    I have doubt because of  this  function call inside transmit node ret = GATT_WriteNoRsp( node->connHandle, &req ); 

    static bStatus_t SimpleStreamClient_transmitNode( SimpleStreamNode_t* node)
        bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS;
        linkDBInfo_t connInfo;
        attWriteReq_t req;
        // Find out what the maximum MTU size is
        ret = linkDB_GetInfo(node->connHandle, &connInfo);
        // Queue up as many notification slots as possible
        if ( (ret == SUCCESS) && (node != NULL) ) {
            // Determine allocation size
            uint16_t allocLen = (node->len - node->offset);
            if ( allocLen > (connInfo.MTU - ATT_WRITE_REQ_HDR_SIZE) )
                allocLen = connInfo.MTU - ATT_WRITE_REQ_HDR_SIZE;
            req.pValue = (uint8 *)GATT_bm_alloc( node->connHandle, ATT_WRITE_CMD,
                                                  allocLen, &req.len );
            // If allocation was successful, copy out data out of the buffer and send it
            if (NULL != req.pValue) {
                req.handle = streamServiceHandle.chars[0].handle;
                memcpy(req.pValue, (void ) ((uint8_t ) node->payload + node->offset), req.len);
                req.cmd = TRUE;
                req.sig = FALSE;
                ret = GATT_WriteNoRsp( node->connHandle, &req );
                // If unable to send the message, free allocated buffers and return
                if ( ret != SUCCESS )
                    GATT_bm_free( (gattMsg_t *)&req, ATT_WRITE_CMD );
                    // Increment node data offset
                    node->offset += req.len;
                // Unable to allocate space for a notification, return failure
                ret = bleMemAllocError;
        return ret;

  • You are correct. Looking at gatt.h, see the below excerpt from the GATT_WriteNoRsp function:

    * @note No response will be sent to the calling task for this
    * sub-procedure. If the Characteristic Value write request is the
    * wrong size, or has an invalid value as defined by the profile,
    * then the write will not succeed and no error will be generated
    * by the server.

    You will have to modify this to a different write function (see GATT APIs for available functions) if you'd like a callback from the stack.

  • Ok, thank you. I have one doubt can I be able to more than 16 bytes of data at a single short to the connected device?

    without using a serial socket example?

     ble gatt below function can i use for sending single short 16 byte of data sending purpose in a central role example?

    bStatus_t GATT_WriteCharValue ( uint16  connHandle,
    attWriteReq_t  pReq,
    uint8  taskId 

    uint8  cmd
      Command Flag.
    uint16  handle
      Handle of the attribute to be written (must be first field)
    uint16  len
      Length of value.
    uint8 *  pValue
      Value of the attribute to be written (0 to ATT_MTU_SIZE-3)
    uint8  sig
      Authentication Signature status (not included (0), valid (1), invalid 

  • one more thing  


    what will happen  above function I'm enabling once in device initialing time and after that again gap termination event inside enabling 

    give me some brief about that function 

    Gapscan_enable(0,0,15); means what will happen ( as per my knowledge it will scan infinite times until gapscan_disable() )

    Gapscan_enable(0,1500,15); and this one (limited time 1.5 s it will scan ?)

  • Hey Vad,

    I would recommend going through our Simplelink Academy modules here. Most of your questions should be answered there (with regards to scanning and advertising).

    can I be able to more than 16 bytes of data at a single short to the connected device?

    This should be possible.