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CC2652R: IOS can't find my TI board

Part Number: CC2652R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2642R


I faced basic problem about BLE and couldn't solve it.

used project_zero sdk on CC2652R board.

I changed only address mode on project_zero.syscfg. (Public Address to RPA with Public ID)

then I couldn't find TI board on my Iphone8(ble 4.2).

what do I need to set on board to find from IOS?

  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Could you please specify the SDK version you are using?

    Even if it should not be related to the Bluetooth version supported, could you please verify if the device can be discovered by more recent devices (e.g. newer iphone, your computer, etc.)?

    If the device cannot be discovered by any other device, could you please try to use the simple_peripheral example, configure it to use RPA, then run the test with the iphone?

    Keep us updated.

    Best regards,

  • Hi, Clément

    I used simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_5_30_01_01 SDK.

    I tested other phones and the result was

    1. Iphone13 pro couldn`t find project_zero.

    2. Galaxy note 10 couldn`t find project_zero. 

    3. Galaxy s8 could find project_zero.

    simple_peripheral example with RPA was also same result. 

    I`ve searched some information that Insufficient Authentication error code is needed(Bluetooth Core Specification5.3, Vol3, part F, section4).

    Is that related with finding TI board?

    (ref. nRF Connect application of every smart phone can find project_zero.)

    Another explanations said If a device is bluetooth mode, only application of smart phone could find the device.

    Are the TI BLE examples set bluetooth mode?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Kim,

    At the moment I am not able to reproduce the issue with an iPhone SE and the newer SDK version.

    Could you please specify if you have paired and bonded the device before changing the address mode? It could be the source of the issue as the phone would then keep in cache the configuration of the device (and would not expect its address mode to change). 

    Could you please run more tests? First, "forget" all the devices you have connected and then retry to scan. Please make sure to "forget" the devices between your tests.

    In addition to that, could you please run some tests with the newest SDK (see here)? To save you some time, you can leverage the pre-compiled hexfile for the simple_peripheral example (per default the simple_peripheral example is configured to use RPA with public ID as address mode).

    Best regards,

  • Hi, Clément

    I deleted all of pairing and bonding in devices. And i searched a BLE for connection, it couldn't find.

    I tested newest SDK(simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_6_10_00_29) and only Android smart phone could find TI board(project_zero, simple_peripheral with RPA).

    IOS still couldn't find TI board.

    I want to send ATT_ERROR_RSP PDU set by Insufficient Authentication to IOS from TI board.

    Could you know me a method?

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I am sorry, I do not manage to reproduce your observations.

    To send the ATT_ERROR_RSP PDU set by Insufficient Authentication to IOS from TI board, you can use the out-of-the-box simple_peripheral example and try to read/write the 5th characteristic. As this characteristic requires authentication, the CC2642R device will send an ATT_ERROR_RSP PDU.

    I hope this will help,

    Best regards,