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CC2564C: Controlling the SCO timing parameters in CC2564C

Part Number: CC2564C

Hi TI,

Is there any way we can control the timing parameters of SCO/ eSCO  connections, eg D-parameter , T-parameter etc. 



  • Hi Vishnu, you cannot control the timing parameters of SCO connections. The only parameters you can control are shown below:

    In our SDK the relevant function is SCO_Setup_Synchronous_Connection()

  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for the Data. 

    This we are aware of. We like to know the provision to play with timing parameters, Specifically the D-parameter of the SCO connection.


  • Hi Vishnu, could you elaborate on what you mean by D-parameter as I am not familiar with that part of the Bluetooth spec as well as why you are trying to modify the SCO timing parameters? 

    What version of the stack are you using and for what host? Majority of the functions relevant to SCO connection can be found in SCOAPI.h, under Bluetopia/include .

  • Hi Daniel,

    We are using Bluetopia Stack with STM32 MCU. we are using the 5.1 Version of the stack.

    D-Parameter refers to Desco.

    8.6.3 eSCO
    The eSCO logical transport is established by the master sending an eSCO
    setup message via the LM protocol. This message contains timing parameters
    including the eSCO interval TeSCO and the offset DeSCO to specify the reserved

    For details, you can refer SCO/esco Timing in the Bluetooth Core documents.
