Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-XDS110, , CC2340R5, UNIFLASH
I recently received a LP-EM-CC2340R5 and LP-XDS110 to evaluate the performance of the CC2340R5. I have followed the install and bringup instructions in software-dl.ti.com/.../quickstart-intro-cc23xx.html but I'm having issues connecting to the device and flashing new firmware in the 'Flash the device' section.
When attempting to connect to the device using the default target settings I get the following message:
Error connecting to the target:
(Error -615 @ 0x0)
The target failed to see a correctly formatted SWD header. The
connection to the target may be unreliable. Try lowering the
TCLK setting before trying again.
(Emulation package
I've tried modifying the TCLK speed with no success, but I am able to get slightly further by enabling the 'Apply pin reset' option in the XDS110 settings within the target configuration. When I do this it gets partway through programming before I get an error:
Cortex_M0P: Flash loader: CC23xx_FLASH_LIBRARY_VERSION
Cortex_M0P: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete.
Cortex_M0P: Updating CRC32 field ccfg.bootCfg.crc32 @ address 0x4E02000C, based on data in the range [04E020000, 0x4E02000B]. Value changes from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
Cortex_M0P: Updating CRC32 field ccfg.crc32 @ address 0x4E02074C, based on data in the range [04E020010, 0x4E02074B]. Value changes from 0x00000000 to 0xA8B22962
Cortex_M0P: Updating CRC32 field ccfg.userRecord.crc32 @ address 0x4E0207CC, based on data in the range [04E020750, 0x4E0207CB]. Value changes from 0x00000000 to 0x15D70E0C
Cortex_M0P: Updating CRC32 field ccfg.debugCfg.crc32 @ address 0x4E0207FC, based on data in the range [04E0207D0, 0x4E0207FB]. Value changes from 0x00000000 to 0x527294A2
Cortex_M0P: GEL: Error while executing OnRestart( 0 ): Could not read 0x40000034: target is not connected
at ('REG'::PMCTL_BOOTSTA==0x80) [cc23xx_xds.gel:99]
at OnRestart(0)
Cortex_M0P: AutoRun: Unable to run the target at this time
Cortex_M0P: Breakpoint Manager: One or more breakpoints will not relocate to new symbolic locations until the target halts.
Cortex_M0P: AutoRun: Target not run as breakpoint could not be set: Cannot enable while the target is disconnected
I have tried using a different XDS110 probe and a different CC2340 and had exactly same behaviour.
I'm not sure of any further steps I can take to debug this issue, I would appreciate advice on how to resolve this.
(I am using CCS v12.3.0.00005, SimpleLink Low Power F3 SDK v7.10.00.35, XDS110 firmware v3.0.0.25)