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CC2340R5: how to modify the tx power at CC2340 run time.

Part Number: CC2340R5

Hi Ti Experts.

I'm using simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_7_10_00_35 and CCS12 IDE.

how can I dynamically modify tx power at run time?

In the past CC2642 version, I used HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd to change TX power dynamically

But in the current CC2340R5 version, this function seems to have not been implemented yet.

Is there any other way to adjust the tx power during run-time now?

  • Hi,

    On CC2340R5, the function HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerDbmCmd() should be used to change the TxPower.

    For information, there is an issue in simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_7_10_00_35 leading the controller to keep the TxPower for advertisements fixed. This issue does NOT affect connections and Direct Test Mode (DTM) packets. The issue is identified, root caused and will be fixed in SDK 7.20.

    I hope this will help,

    Best regards,