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CC2642R: Verify Flash image with DSLite.exe CLI

Part Number: CC2642R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

I am using XDS110 USB Debug Probe with chip CC2652R1F. 

I am trying to understand how to use the dslite.exe supplied by the Uniflash software. I want to use the verify feature that is used in the Uniflash software but with the command line tool dslite.exe. The command line tool allows me to verify after flashing, but not without first flashing (to my knowledge). This verify-only feature exists in the Uniflash software, so I am assuming that this can also be achieved with the dslite.exe command line tool.

My goals are to:

Flash an image, which I can already do successfully using: 

dslite.bat --mode flash -c "C:\ti\user_files\configs\cc2652r1f.ccxml" -l "C:\ti\user_files\settings\generated.ufsettings" -e -f -v {imageFileNameWithPath}

At a later time verify that programming was completed:

dslite.bat --unknown args

The documentation for the dslite.exe CLI found in the link below did not make it clear how to verify without first flashing. If there is more documentation than this, I would be happy to learn about it, I could not find it on TI's website.

  • Hi Matthew,

    You can get the latest CLI commands from the updated UniFlash Quick Start Guide on TIREx.  The verify option is added as a flash option (as you've done in the example provided) and there is no command for specifically verifying memory contents without flashing.  Optionally, you can read the flash contents in memory mode to verify manually.

    dslite --mode memory [options] --config=ccxml-file --range=address,length --output=output-file


  • As Ryan Brown1 pointed out, I can use a command

    dslite --mode memory [options] --config=ccxml-file --range=address,length --output=output-file

    Although when I compare the bytes of the file written to the memory read there are large discrepancies, either the software Uniflash is not using a byte by byte comparison or is doing something different to compare the file written to the memory read.

    I can attach the file written and the file read if this is helpful.

  • Please provide the files used and all logs captured so far.  How are you generating the image you use to test writing to the device?  Are the discrepancies limited to a specific range of flash memory?  Also, do you experience similar results when using the Uniflash GUI?


  • I'm just trying to compare the files directly. And also trying to read all the memory. Uniflash tells me that the verify was successful, no real indication of what is happening or what was compared.
    Dropbox link for files and logs

  • Please upgrade to Uniflash v8.3, be sure to erase all memory before writing, and use hex images for program/read operations.
