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CC2642R-Q1: Direct Advertisement Procedure

Part Number: CC2642R-Q1

I tried do direct advertisement from peripheral by triggering after normal connection establishment by terminating existing connections by following below steps

1. disable existing longRange and legacy advertisements

2. terminate existing connections

3. create new advertisement parameters set with event props as (connectable, legacy, directed) with new legacy handle

4. through gapadv_setparameter api I am setting peer addr of central in rev order.

5. not loading any advertise data or scan response data

6. setting mask

7. enable advertisement of new legacy handle

These are the exact steps I do

But I can't see any advertisement in central through nrf App though I have central mac address in reverse format.

I check through sniffer ADV_DIRECT_IND is released by peripheral.

I exactly can't figure out what kind of basic step I am missing out. If someone can guide me step to step procedure to be followed for direct advertisement in this it would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.