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CC2640R2F: The program runs correctly when use XDS110, but incorrect without XDS110

Part Number: CC2640R2F
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640

My project used simple peripheral BLE5 project as a framework, add my own atrribute. My APP read the Attribute by notify method. The datagram's size is 220 bytes, sent 20 times per second. When I run the program by debuging with XDS110, the APP receives the package well, no package is lost. But after clicking the terminate debug button in CCS, the communication is worse, there 's about 1/5 packages is lost.

Then I use packet sniffer to analyze the communication, I found that after ternimating the debug, a lot of packages is marked  CRC incorrect. But before terninating the debug, no package is marked error. After that, I take the XDS110 off from the PCB, and run the program, the packages are still lost about 1/5.

The target PCB is designed by us.

I want to know what's the difference between debug with XDS110 and run without XDS110?

  • When I use TI CC2640 LAUNCHPAD,the problem disappears. The program works well either debug with XDS110 or run freely without XDS110. So I think there might be a hardware problem. So I want go know:

    1. Which hardware part affects the wireless communication, especially causes bit error rate increase.

    2. What will the XDS110 do when I terminate the debug process?

    3. Why the terminate debug action make the wireless communication worse?

  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your test results. Based on your observations, this is likely due to a hardware design difference between the LaunchPad and your custom board. I'm thinking this may be related to the JTAG circuitry as that is what is involved when using the debug mode on the device. Have you submitted your design for a hardware design review at:

    If you have not, then I would highly recommend you do so because our hardware engineers will take a look at your design and provide some feedback on things that may cause some issues.

    Best Regards,
