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CC2340R5: Custom GATT profile

Part Number: CC2340R5

Hi all,

I want to add the custom GATT profile on cc2340 BLE projects.

Is there any tool or builder is available?

And can I get the procedure for adding custom GATT profile on the basic_ble project of cc2340?



  • Hi Aslam,

    Thank you for reaching out. We have a few resources available that may be helpful for developing a custom profile:

    1. Basic BLE Profiles Example - This example is the basic_ble project but with some additional profiles to showcase how profiles may be integrated into the basic ble framework. You may reference the the code in this project and use it as a starting point for creating your own custom profile.

    2. GAP Chapter - Provides valuable information into how the GAP works in the BLE5 Stack which is useful for custom profile development.

    3. GATT Chapter - Provides in-depth details into how the GATT work which is critical knowledge for implementing a custom profile that contains a GATT table.

    4. Developing with SDK CC23xx - This chapter provides a lot of general information on how to develop with the SDK itself.

    We are working on creating more and more training collateral for the CC23XX devices to further improve our documentation offering. We also have a GATT profile generator for our previous generation of device that may be helpful here. To be clear, the generator generates code for the previous generation SDK, but most of the code should be re-useable with minor modifications. The lab also specifies how custom profile work from a conceptual point of view which should still apply fully to the CC23XX device.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I have some fair knowledge on the old GATT profile generator and CC2642 SDK, I will try to use that to add custom profile on cc2340 device.

    And may I know the approximate date on when those documentation for CC23XX will be released?



  • Hi Aslam,

    No problem! Unfortunately, I am unable to comment about specific release dates for new collateral or roadmap plans on a public forum. For more detail, please reach out to your TI representative and they will be able to help provide this information via email.

    Best Regards,
