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CC2650MODA: Module BT SIG certification qualification

Part Number: CC2650MODA
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640, CC2650

I have multiple options that I am evaluating for this, and I am breaking them down into multiple posts.  These posts may appear similar at first, but they have separate questions after the lead-in information is presented.

I am taking on the task of updating an existing product where we may need to replace the existing Bluetooth module (which is based on the CC2640F128).  This project is only using BLE, and we are not adding any features even if we move to a chip/module that supports more features.

One goal of this update is to keep the redesign effort to a minimum.  If we change to a different module, that will require a PCB redesign for the new footprint.  If we change to a different BT chip, that will require porting or rewriting the code that runs on the BT module.

One thing that's not 100% clear is what we absolutely need to update to qualify for the BT SIG certification.

We have just tested the CC2650MODA in our current product by removing the BT module and air wiring the CC2650MODA.  Our system was able to flash the binary built for the CC2640F128 onto the CC2650MODA module.  This seems to work fine from a technical perspective, but that binary was built 7+ years ago.  If we want to certify with the BT SIG, what (if anything) will we need to update to qualify the product with no testing required?

  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    First of all, please note CC2640 and CC2650 are binary compatible - only difference is CC2640 only supports BLE, while CC2650 supports other 2.4 GHz protocols. This means you could bring this to your BQC (Bluetooth Qualification Consultant) and justify you don't need to re-test.

    The other alternative (easier in my opinion) is - As you are using the CC2650MODA, you can directly reference its end-product listing QDID mentioned in Table 2-5 of the following app note  Select the one applicable to your case (depends on the Bluetooth roles used) and go though the certification process for "no testing required".

    I hope this will help,

    Best regards,

  • Thank you, Clément, for the quick response.  One question that is still open in my mind is the part about updating to the latest TI BT Stack SDK.  I was not, personally, around when this product was launched.  I will be delving into the code that runs on the CC2640 soon.

    However, do you believe that it would be a good assumption that our 7+ year old code is no longer certifiable?  Would we for sure need to update to the latest BT Stack SDK before we went through the process that you described using the QDIDs in Table 2-5?

  • Hi,

    If the question is whether the code is certifiable, then the answer is probably yes - as the EPL covers all the SDK versions.

    If the question is whether this is recommended, then I am not sure. In 7+ years, several issues have been fixed, features have been added, etc. I'll let you review this on your own as it depends on your projects requirements.

    I hope this will help,

    Best regards,

  • "If the question is whether the code is certifiable, then the answer is probably yes - as the EPL covers all the SDK versions."

    This is the question, yes.  So, if we decided to not change the code at all and just keep using our current (7+ years old) binary, how would we know for sure if it was certifiable with no required testing?

  • Hello,

    This is the question, yes.  So, if we decided to not change the code at all and just keep using our current (7+ years old) binary, how would we know for sure if it was certifiable with no required testing?

    I guess I confused you because of my carefulness when commenting on qualification questions :)
    As I am not a Bluetooth Qualification Consultant and I haven't all the details on your design, I always tend to be careful.

    Here, you can reference EPL QDIDs 176679 and 176850 - as, based on your description, they are applicable to your software. To avoid all testing, you will also have to ensure the hardware design follows TI recommendations.

    I hope this will help,

    Best regards,