CC2340R5: Original BLEAPPUTIL files getting modified with changes in copied project

Part Number: CC2340R5


I am using CC2340R5 for my BLE  project.I am using basic BLE example of TI.I copied that basic BLE project to two different folders

and then imported it in my workspace as I want to create two different projects for two different kits one for central one for peripheral.I changed the name of both projects.Now when I make changes to any of these two projects the same file from other project gets modified also original file from location 

C:\ti\ccs1240\simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_7_40_00_64\source\ti\bleapp\ble_app_util\src  is modified.

I am making changes in common->BLEAppUtil->BLEbleapputil processes.c 

Project wont compile if I remove this linked resource.Do we have any solution for this.

I want to change single file at a time without affecting other project or original.I have attached images of linked resources and path varibles from my project properties.

Any assistance or insights would be greatly appreciated.