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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: BLE Indication Acknowledgement

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1



I am developing some solution which involves bluetooth data transmission along with acknowledgement, therefore i choose Simple Peripheral Example to try out Indicate Method along with Acknowlegement.

I am attaching repository link of my testing, I am able to move from Notify to Indicate, I tested out the same method to the Smartphone Using Nordic Semiconductor.
Whatever data i am transmitting, i am able to transmit with Indicate Characteristic, but i am not able to get acknowlegement of whatever data i am sending, whether data is being received on the other end or not.

If someone can guide me with these would be better.

repository Link : (please follow master Branch)

  • Hi Dinesh,

    I think you are a missing a case for the ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM message in SimplePeripheral_processGATTMsg please try to add it and see if you receive confirmation.


  • I tried to modify the code and Insert ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM notifications handling to the SimplePeripheral_processGATTMsg function,

    whenever i Indicate any of the data, those data is getting transfered to the smartphone with Indication, It shows me msg of SUCCESS.

    sometime it shows me 0x16, blePending message, when data is not getting transmit, over bluetooth gets disconnected.

    can you tell me correct method of setting ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM , so i can get acknowlegement wheneved data is getting transmitted successfully to the samrtphone.

  • Hi Dinesh,

    Can you share the modifications you made? the ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM is sent by the client (your phone) only when it receives an indication, you shouldn't receive it if the message hasn't been transmitted.
