CC2642R: How do I configure two sets of broadcasts to have different addresses?

Part Number: CC2642R



I am currently using two legacy broadcasts with RPA(RPA with Public ID) address type, now both broadcasts have the same address, is it possible to make their broadcast addresses different and both are RPA(RPA with Public ID) type addresses.


  • Hi,

    You can use the GapAdv_setParam() function with the GAP_ADV_PARAM_OWN_ADDRESS_TYPE param.

    I hope it will help,

  • Hi,

    This approach requires configuring different address types, for example, the first broadcast address type is ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_PUBLIC_ID, and the second broadcast address type is ADDRMODE_PUBLIC. But I need both broadcasts to have the address type ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_PUBLIC_ID. The “Advertiser Address” in the two broadcast payloads is not the same. Can this functionality be achieved?

  • Hi,

    Excuse me for the confusion, if I understand correctly you want to broadcast two different private addresses, correct?

    Could you give me more detail about your use case? as I'm not sure this functionality can be achieved.


  • Hi,

    Excuse me for the confusion, if I understand correctly you want to broadcast two different private addresses, correct?


    The product I am developing needs to support two sets of protocols: Protocol 1: This is a proprietary protocol that requires the inclusion of vendor-defined content in the broadcast data; Protocol 2: This is the CCC3.0 protocol, which, according to the specification, does not include any data in the broadcast, only addresses, which is likely for security reasons. Therefore, I have created two broadcasts: Broadcast 1 includes data, while Broadcast 2 does not. I want them to be able to broadcast different private addresses, otherwise it might not comply with the CCC3.0 requirements.

  • Hi Wangrenli,

    I'll try to have someone from my team address your question early next week. 

    Can you help me understand a few things? If you are using public address one advertiement, but RPA on the other, doesn't that negate the benefits of having privacy in your application and ends up exposing the address of your device which is supposed to be kept private per the CCC protocol? 

    Please help me understand the purpose of the broadcast and why it must be a public address.