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CC2340R5: I want to process at 60Hz

Part Number: CC2340R5


I am using FreeRTOS on CC2340R5.
I want to process at 60Hz as accurately as possible.
However, since the xTaskDelayUntil function can only be specified in milliseconds, there will be a slight deviation.
How can I process at 60Hz as accurately as possible?

#define WAIT_MS (16)

void *mainThread(void *arg0)

    TickType_t previousWakeTime;
    previousWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    while (1)
        if (xTaskDelayUntil(&previousWakeTime, WAIT_MS) != pdTRUE)


  • Hi Manabu,

    I suggest using one of the CC240R5's timers, I think the LGPT timer suits best your use case. Take look at the API documentation for more information.

    You can also review the Timers section in the User's Guide for a detailed list of all available timers.


  • Thank you for your reply.

    I forgot to mention it in the explanation, but I want to put it in standby mode while not processing.

    According to the explanation in the Timers section, it looks like "Clock DPL (ClockP Module ?)" can be used.
    I don't know if it will work because there isn't much example code, but I'll give it a try.

    Best regards,

  • Created using ClockP and SemaphoreP.
    It has been confirmed that ClockP goes into standby mode.


    However, I don't know if SemaphoreP will go into standby mode.
    Will registering Power_idleFunc() as a semaphore callback put the device into standby mode?

    [Link2] [Link3]

    SemaphoreP_Params g_PeriodicSemaphoreParams;
    SemaphoreP_Handle g_PeriodicSemaphoreHandle;
    ClockP_Params g_PeriodicParams;
    ClockP_Handle g_PeriodicHandle;
    void PeriodicCallback(uintptr_t arg)
    bool PeriodicInitialize()
        g_PeriodicSemaphoreParams.mode = SemaphoreP_Mode_BINARY;
        g_PeriodicSemaphoreParams.callback = Power_idleFunc;
        g_PeriodicSemaphoreHandle = SemaphoreP_create(0, &g_PeriodicSemaphoreParams);
        if (g_PeriodicSemaphoreHandle == NULL)
            return false;
        g_PeriodicParams.period = 16666;
        g_PeriodicParams.startFlag = true;
        g_PeriodicParams.arg = (uintptr_t)NULL;
        g_PeriodicHandle = ClockP_create(PeriodicCallback, 0, &g_PeriodicParams);
        if (g_PeriodicHandle == NULL)
            return false;
        return true;
    void *mainThread(void *arg0)
        while (1)
            SemaphoreP_pend(g_PeriodicSemaphoreHandle, SemaphoreP_WAIT_FOREVER);

    Best regards,

  • Hi Manabu,

    The semaphore will give the hand back to the RTOS scheduler and you should go back into standby mode, you don't have to register a callback for that.


  • Thank you for your reply.

    I don't have an energy trace compatible debugger so I can't measure the current, but I'll connect a battery and see what happens for a while.

    Best regards,