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I had CC2540EMK-USB and installed BTool 1.3 on my PC, WinXP. My PC already installed Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1. USB driver is automatic install (Cebal controlled device -> CC2540 USB dongle).
When I start BTool, it cannot find the right COM port to talk with the dongle.
Then I follow the swru270b.pdf and found NO additional COM ports create by BTool (Figure 9 on the user guide) and I cannot update the USB driver manaually.
Does it problem on BTool V1.3?
Please advise, thanks
Hi Jasper,
Are you sure that winXP recognized the CC2540USB Dongle as a CDC device? You can check this in Device Manager where it should state "TI CC2540 Low-Power RF to USB CDC Serial Port (COM##)". This is completely independent of BTool and should indicate if it's a problem with the USB driver. Let me know.
Best Regards
winXP regonize CC2540USB dongle as "Cebal controlled devices" instead of CDC device, I don't know why?
on the other hand, I am using another notebook PC, winXP, install BTool by runing "BLE-CC254x-1.3.exe" first,no USB driver can be install when CC2540USB is plug-in. Then I install SmartRF Packer Sniffer_2.16.3, then it can recognize the CC2540USB device as "Cebal controlled devices".
Also, no COM port is created after the software installation, so I cannot found "TI CC2540 Low-Power RF to USB CDC Serial Port (COM##)" on the Device Manager of Control Panel.
Can you guide me to download the right USB driver for CC2540USB dongle? Thanks.
USB: VID is 0x0451, PID is 0x16B3
The driver is located in the BLE 1.3 release folder, ..\BLE-CC254x-1.3\Accessories\Drivers\usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf
Reinstall the driver by browsing to this location.
LPRF Rocks the World
Hi Jasper,
Apart from the wrong USB driver, you probably have the wrong CC2540USB Dongle Firmware as well.
For Device Monitor:
I am having the similar issue and couldn't get BTtool working on my Windows 7 64-bit.
I have flashed the dongle with CC2540_USBdongle_HostTestRelease_All.hex. Upon plugging the dongle into the USB port, the LED is showing red. And nothing is shown in the device manager.
I also tried to use CC2540_SmartRF_HostTestRelease_All.hex. I flashed this file to the CC2540 EM module on the SmartRF05 evaluation board. It's shown up under "Cebal controlled devices".
Updating the driver is no success with C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3\Accessories\Drivers\usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf:
1. If I right click on usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf and choose "Install", a "Install Error" dialog would pop up and says "The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation"
2. If I right click on SmartRF05EB in the Device Manager, then "Update Driver Software..." --> "Browse my computer for driver software" --> "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" --> "Have Disk..." --> (Use usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf), another error dialog will say the driver is not compatible:
Any ideas? Shall I start a new thread for this question?
Hi Everyone, though a little late on this thread, I just wanted to share/clarify my experience getting USB Dongle Programmed & USB Drive Installed.
I experienced all the same problems mentioned above, trying to get the CC2540 USB Dongle and KebFob working with BTool.
What I found is:
Never assume either is programmed (as some of documentation suggests)
Install the Bluetooth Stack.
Install the Smart RF Flash Programmer.
When you connect the USB power to Dongle & CC Debugger, the USB Driver will not install. (correctly)
You have to do this manually, Go to windows hardware devices manager and right click on "unknown USB device with warning icon"
Click update driver and then browse to the .inf (pointer) for the driver.
It is found here: C:\TexasInstruments\BLE-CC2540-1.1a\Accessories\Drivers\usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf
You may need to re-insert USB to re-initialize, but now you will see TI CC2540 USB CDC Serial Port in Windows Device Manager
Good luck to all, (I wrested with this for a while) After these steps everything went smoothly.
I'm having similar problems, I've checked in device manager and as others have said I've just got it as a Cebal controlled device and not as a serial port.
My download of the bluetooth stack has a slightly different name, presumably because a few months have passed and it's the current version. The driver appears to be at
C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Accessories\Drivers\ccxxxx_usb_cdc.inf
The driver also has a slightly different name, not just in numbers, but in x replacing numbers.
When I update drivers and point to this folder, it tells me the driver is uptodate. I've tried pointing to the specific file not folder and this results in the same error as right click install having navigated to the file.
I've tried have disk and the error this time is potentially more helpful, as it says the folder doesn't contain a compatible driver, followed by if it does make sure it is designed to work with Windows for x64-based systems. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Same issue for me. I am trying to install on Windows 7 64bits system. So anyone found solution for same?
I have tried the method mentioned by William14730 but still recognizing devices as a "Cable Connector Devices" and I couldn't see "unknown USB device with warning icon". Also It could not find the driver when tried to add device manually and installed driver from "c:\Texas Instrument\BLE-CC254x-1.4\Accesso..\Drivers".
I have noticed one more thing when adding device manually. I can see the Texas Instrument in standard Serial port devices.But no device like TI CC45XXXX CDC?
Here is the list for same.
MSP Application UART1
MSP Application UART2
MSP Debug Interface
MSP430 Application UART
MSP-EXP430F5438 USB Serial port
TUSB3410 Device
So anyone please help to resolve the same.
Dear TI:
I am not able to install the btool driver on either an XP or window7 machine. When I plug in the CC2540 central board's USB cable the PC's device manager populates with Cebral controlled devices->SmartRF05EB and I am not able to update this driver with the .inf file in the btool accessories folder.
In both PCs I installed smartRF first and am now trying to install btool without success. -Please advise.
Hi Joakim,
I have the same issue with windows 7.. But I am not able to find a COM port "TI CC2540 Low-Power RF to USB CDC Serial Port (COM##)".. I tried many things...but everything is unsuccessful..Can you guide me through this?
Thank you.
I have no such thing as "Accessories\Drivers\usb_cdc_driver_cc2540.inf" in the BLE folder. It is version 1.4 though. Only ccxxxx_usb_cdc.inf I have which will install Cebal driver but not the COM port. So, could you please suggest what to do next?
Thanks in advance. Best regards,
Aron Barta
Hi Aron,
If you have successfully installed the 1.4.0 BLE stack at the default location, you should find the hex files needed for the dongle at this location:
C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.4.0\Accessories\HexFiles
The inf-file for the USB-CDC driver can be found at this location:
C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.4.0\Accessories\Drivers
If not, something might have failed when installing the stack, please try to re-download and install again.
Hi Svendt,
I have installed the BLE 1.4 multiple times, last about a minute ago. The Drivers folder contains only ccxxxx_usb_cdc.inf and, nothing else. That installs my CC2540 USB dongle as Cebal controlled device but does not install any COM ports.
The packet sniffer actually shows some packet flow and I am quite not sure if that is correct or not. The Flash Programmer tool, neither version 1.27 nor version 1.4 shows the CC2540 dongle.
So any idea apart from re-installing anything would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Aron,
Just to make sure:
You did flash the dongle using CC debugger with the HostTest release hex file for the USB dongle before trying to recognize it?
Hi Svend,
no, I have not flashed it with the CC debugger. Actually, I do not even have a CC debugger. I just want to use the CC2540 dongle to deliver measurements from CC2541 SensorTag to my PC-hosted C++ program. Do I need the CC debugger to start using the CC2540+CC2541...? Or am I still missing something?
Thanks a lot! Regards,
Hi Aron,
The dongle comes pre-programmed as a packet sniffer and will therefore not work with Btool directly.
You need a CC Debugger to flash the dongle with the HostTestRelease:
Best regards,