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Spreadsheet to check whether BLE parameters are within Apple specs

Hi guys,

At work I made this spreadsheet where you can input the connection values (connection interval, slave latency, advertising interval etc.), and it checks them against all the guidelines Apple has set for BLE peripherals. It will also give you recommendations on what to change if any of the tests fails.

As it might be useful for others, I've attached it here in Apple Numbers and MS Excel format. The Excel format file may not be in ideal condition as it is just exported from Numbers.

Input your values in the first sheet's 2nd column ("Value"). It will calculate the BLE value you need to put in your source code for the BLE STACK.

The 2nd sheet shows all the tests and whether each was passed or failed. It also gives recommendations for what to change in case of failed tests.


3730.Bluetooth Connection Parameter Test.xls

3666.Bluetooth Connection Parameter

  • Hi Prashant,

    I tried your excel script and have a Q:

    Shouldn't the connsupervisiontimeout be calculated, as defined in BT Core 4.1 vol6 section 4.52?

    connSupervisiontimeout > (1 + connSlaveLatency) * connInterval * 2 (10ms multiple in the range 100ms - 32s)


  • Hi Peter,

    I've followed Apple guidelines, which have narrower range than Bluetooth rules.

    So if you see rule #6,

    6. Interval Max * (Slave Latency + 1) * 3 < connSupervisionTimeout

    This is basically the same as the BT rule except that Apple says it should be 3x or more, while BT says it should be 2x or more.

