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CC2564MODA: Changing baudrate from 115200 to 921600L

Part Number: CC2564MODA

We are implementing a HID host service with bluetopia

We want to change the baudrate from 115200 to e.g.230.400 but without success.

In the pdf documents are stated that the baudrate can be changed after InitializeApplication. We do this with a call to "HCITR_COMReconfigure". In the function we change the baudrate of our usart to the new value but after this a call to GAP_Perform_Inquiry comes back with error -14 general driver error.

At which moment can we switch the baudrate and must we do something more to change it?

  • Which host processor are you using? The Host side UART baud rate change is specific to the MCU.


  • I am not asking what must be done on the host site. Yes, it is specific to the board and on the host site I see with an osciloscope that the rate is changed.

    What must be done that the bt chip BOOST-CC2564MODA is correctly set at a higher baudrate?


  • In one of the document I found:

    The maximum baudrate of the UART module is 4 Mbps; however, the default baudrate after power up is set to 115.2kbps.The baudrate can thereafter be changed with a VS command.

    Please explain "V" command with a  bluetopia function that we can make the change to the baudrate.


  • I found the function:


    I set it after InitializeApplication but the return value is -14 too.

  • We are not able to set the baudrate to 4mp. The maximum is 1mp. Above that the the stack does not running.

    Does anyone have the stack running on 4mp?

  • As such the stack is transparent to the HCI/UART baudrate, as long as the Host and the MCU can communicate properly at that rate.. 

    For UART timings, please check table 4.5 at : 

    Typically, the baudrate is changed in the BTS file it self. Please open with HCItester tool or Script Pad, and change/add the new baudrate at the beginning.. This way the controller is set to the new baudrate at the beginning itself..  Yes, with application processor hosts (Linux based), the HCI/baudrate is typically 3Mbps.

    ## START of CC256x Add-On

    ## Change UART baudrate
    Send_HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate 0xFF36, 0x002dc6c0
    Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xff36, 0x00
