Hi Bluetooth®︎ Bluetooth forum
I want to do the OAD using App, not using any dongle or BTool.
I followed the process like:
1. I flashed the BIM hex file on CC2541 keyfob hardware by TI.
2. I appended the IMAGE-A.
3. I created the IMAGE-B .bin file.
4. When I'm using Bluetooth device monitor App from TI, then the OAD is happening without fail.
5. When I'm connecting the CC2541 Keyfob hardware with SimpleLink App, the device is connecting and I can see the TI OAD section but when I'm selecting that section, It is blank like I can't see the current firmware version and not able to select the .bin file to perform OAD as the selection button to choose the .bin file is closed.
I really help on this!
Do I need to do something OAD Manager code ? Do I need to append or flash OAD Manager hex file to perform OAD on the CC2541 Keyfob hardware.