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CC2662R-Q1: Turn a device node into a main node.

Part Number: CC2662R-Q1

I am working on setting up a wbms with the cc2662rq1-evm-wbms. My issue is that I accidentally shorted the main node. Is it possible to turn a device node into a main node? They seem to have the same hardware, but can I upload the main software to a device? I do not need all 8 device nodes that come in the kit so I can definitely use one of them. 

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Hugo,

    This question has seemed to slip, apologies for that. 

    You can convert any of the EVMs into either a main node or device node. You just need to compile / flash the right project. You will also need to update the network to account for 1 missing node, so setting the total number of WD's in the network to 7 from 8 for example.