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CC2500 Sample code for Arduino Uno

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2500

Uno and ATTiny85 Examples uploaded here:

Having tried CC2500 sample code from yasiralijaved ( and tlalexander ( I found neither compiled and functioned immediately.

I would like to present my own CC2500 sample code. This will send a Hello ping every 400ms and spend the rest of the time listening. This produced a very low PER on 2 Unos and works immediately.

  • I think this is great work, can you post a picture of your test system such that every can figure out what hardware blocks where used?


  • Hi TA,


    Here are pictures of the front and back.

    The pins are CC2500->Uno:

    MISO -> 12
    MOSI -> 11
    SCLK/SCK -> 13
    CSN/SS - > 10
    VCC -> 3.3v
    GND - > GND

    On the Uno the logic pins run at 5v which is over the 3v limit of the CC2500. I haven't had any issues yet when running short tests, but for non-prototyping you will need a logic converter to avoid potentially damaging the CC2500.

    Additionally, the work has been uploaded to GitHub and samples for the ATTiny85 have been added here:

  • You connected the CC2500 module directly to the arduino uno, can that not damage the module? The CC2500 works at 3.3V whereas the uno works at 5V.

  • Sachin Bhat1 said:

    You connected the CC2500 module directly to the arduino uno, can that not damage the module? The CC2500 works at 3.3V whereas the uno works at 5V.

    I connected it directly to the Arduino 3.3v pin listed here

    The picture does make it appear like the chip is connected to the 5V pin. Be careful as the 5v and 3.3v pins are next to each other.

  • I am not talking about the VCC but the other pins such as Mosi and miso, the controller works at 5V, the pins are at 5V, hence is there a possibility that the CC2500 might get damaged?

  • While I have seen no damage to any of my chips there is a possibility of damage. The quickest and dirtiest way to fix this would be just a 1k resistor on MOSI.

    I personally have seen no corruption of registers, odd behavior, or noticeable damage since posting the code back in January. I run short tests with the Uno (under 30 minutes) to test interaction with an ATTiny85 running at the appropriate 3v. Hence while I've seen no damage in the short term, I have not investigated damage or wear-and-tear over the long term when hooked up in this configuration.

    I've edited my setup caveats at the bottom of the picture post to reflect your comment.  I can take a new picture if you'd like a resistor added on a breadboard.