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CC2400: Bluetooth conform register settings

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2400


don't know which forum I should use for my question, so I write here. Sorry if I'm wrong.

I'm using a device which uses a CC2400 and I try to send data from one device to another.

I know it is sending something, but I don't see any data received by the other device. But I know the other device works, because it can receive ID packets from my mobile phone.

I read the CC2400 data sheet and set up the registers, so the modulation and all should be right for Bluetooth. I also use the SYNCHWORD given by the Bluetooth spec (air-order) for the GIAC.

I initialize the following registers (in that order) and values:

               LMTST 0x2b22 (default value)

               MANAND 0x7fff (default value)

               MDMTST0 0x134b (default value, but for Bit 12: 0 Mhz IF frequency)

               GRMDM 0x0c01 (Buffered mode, packet mode, 0 preamble bytes, CRC off,NRZ, FSK/GFSK, Gaussian        filter)

                                          --> I tried several configurations for GRMDM (receiver has value 0x0101)

               FSDIV channel

               FREND 0x000f (0dBm)

               MDMCTRL 0x0029 (160kHz frequency deviation)

QUESTION: Is it possible, that I'm using the wrong GRMDM configuration for a Bluetooth conform packet? (I checked with the Bluetooth spec and it should be right)

I'm also putting the ID packet preamble and the first bits (msb) of the air-ordered SYNCHWORD (0x475c58cc73345e72) into the 4 Bytes of the SYNCH and SYNCL registers

             SYNCH 0x5475

             SYNCH 0xc58c

             id_packet = { c7, 33, 45, e7, 20}

QUESTION: Do I have to fit the FIFO threshold to my packet (just sending 4 byte instead of 32 bytes)?

I'm also still not sure in which order the data are read out of the FIFO on the receiver side. I think it should be the same order I'm putting them into the FIFO on the transmitter side.

Sorry for the long post.

