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Can I use TRF7970AEVM to read memory of NFC barcode ?

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Dear Sirs

Can I use TRF7970AEVM to read memory of NFC barcode?


Phil Huang

  • Phil - 

    what is your definition of NFC Barcode? 

    as technically, NFC/RFID tags are read out using magnetic field and barcodes are read optically, so (again technically) there is no such thing as NFC Barcode....

    now - you can store barcode data inside tag memory - which is what i think you really mean - 

    if this tag is NFC Type 2, 3, 4A, 4B or 5, then the answer is yes, you can use the TRF7970AEVM to activate, select and perform memory operations on the tags. 

    which tag type in particular are you interested in reading? if you don't know, but you do have Android phone, you can download an app like NFC TagInfo and it can tell you which type of tag it is so we can direct you directly to how to interact with it - as each tag type (listed above) - has their own protocol to follow.


  • Dear Josh
    I take 2 screenshoot pictures at below link

    Tag type is Thinfilm/Kovio NFC Barcode 128-bit.

    Can I use TRF7970AEVM to read UID or 128-bit memory?

    Phil Huang
  • i had forgotten about those - they don't come up often - yes reader can activate them - will have to look and see if i still have some samples to explain how it works again
    be a day or so - is that OK?
  • Dear Josh
    We just kick off a project to read 128-bit data of NFC Barcode. That's great if TRF7970AEVM can do it.
    OK waiting for your information.
    Phil Huang
  • Hey Phil,

    Here is an example project I just put together:  Kovio using DM1 on

    It's based off a much larger project, that I just trimmed down to the basics for these tags.  This Project runs on the TRF7970A EVM, but you have to make some modifications to the board configuration.  

    Configure the board as shown in sections 3.3.1 of this application note:  

    These Kovio tags do not have parity bits, which is not something we can disable on the TRF79xx.  Instead, we can bypass the packet framing layer of the TRF7970A using Direct Mode 1.  This is explained further in section 2 of the App Note that I linked above.  

    DM1 allows us to have access to the bits directly, and then I package them in software.  The barcode data is stored in the "pui16RxData" buffer, if you want to see the actual data.  

    Here is a logic capture showing us reading the tags:  Kovio Reading 2.logicdata

    Let me know if you have any further questions.



  • Also Phil,

    Make sure you test with a few different tags. We seem to have a few in the office that don't work, even with the smart phone.

  • Hi, Phil Huang.

    I wonder do I need another barcode plugin to help scan barcode and deal with NFC barcode? Any suggestion will be appreciated so much. Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,
