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TMS3705: where to find latest source code for the firmware on the RI-ACC-ADR2-10 board

Part Number: TMS3705


I'm working with the  RI-ACC-ADR2-10 wireless kit and I'm running into communication problems where the reader board returns what I'm assuming are error messages, ie replies starting with "E2" instead of the expected start byte "01". Sending unexpected characters can also lock up the boards and requires resetting the reader CPU to unlock.

The only source code I have available is v1.0, the firmware shipped on the board is v2.10.

The v1.0 source code does not give any insight into the E2 messages and no documentation I found mentions these messages. According to the v1.0 source code, all unexpected characters, resetting the buffer after UART is idle for 10ms, which should be robust.

I've used the v1.0 firmware image (PaLFI_Power_RFM.hex) to reprogram the CPU, however it seems there is an incompatibility with the wireless communication. Using "PALFI Demo GUI" v1.03 with reader firmware v1.0, always give a response "01010001" when reading pages.

Restoring the v2.10 reader firmware, restores the correct wireless functionality.

To progress with trying to resolve my issue I need the latest reader firmware source code, which seems to be v2.10.

Alternatively, a version of the "PALFI Demo GUI" that works with the v1.0 reader firmware would be helpful. I believe the host to reader protocol has changed enough to make the version of "PALFI Demo GUI" I have incompatible with the v1.0 reader firmware.



  • Hello Paul,

    The latest software I know of that is on is here:

    For some reason the 'old' folder as newer versions. Maybe that will give you what you need. Have a look and let me know. I saw a Version 1.3 and 1.4 in there.

    If that isn't sufficient, you may need to wait a few days as the device expert who would know better what is available is out of office currently.