Texas Instruments (TI) Sub-1 GHz support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search Sub-1 GHz IC content or ask technical support questions on everything from Multi-Band MCUs and Transceivers to 15.4-Stack, building automation and smart grid applications. Find the right solution for your circuit design challenges by using our TI E2E™ support forums that are supported by thousands of contributing TI experts.
Part Number: LP-CC1352P7 Note: This guide assumes you have used the wfantund based solution with a TI Wi-SUN FAN Border Router. If not, please refer to the wfantund Readme and installation guide found here: https://github.com/TexasInstruments/ti-wisu…
Part Number: CC1352P7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO , , SYSCONFIG
Let this serve as a guide for getting Amazon Sidewalk SID demo up and running on the CC1352P7-1 Launchpad. Took me around 12 hours to get where I am comfortable building…
Part Number: CC1312R7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , , UNIFLASH
Recently I had to go through a hard process of searching and trying to make first a different size program, then add serial tracing and last be able to encrypt it.
The idea of…
Part Number: CC1352P7
Hello all E2E Community Members, Lately, we have been asked a lot whether ti-wisunfantund would work on the BeaglePlay using its embedded CC1352P7, or not.
The answer is yes, it does work, even from the default Debian image that…
After a collector reset, it will lose its information on connected devices. However, the sensor will still have these available.
If the power loss is to short for the sensor to notice that the collector was offline, it will not go to orphan state. As…
Part Number: CC1352P Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE
Power measurement & estimation for TI15.4 stack
In order to estimate the power consumption of your device Texas Instruments provides the TI-15.4-Stack Battery Life Calculator , which…
Part Number: LP-CC1352P7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2652R7
Hello All E2E Community Members,
TI has released software support for the Amazon Sidewalk protocol.
The TI Sidewalk Stack is included in SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK version…
Part Number: CC1311P3
I try to porting my project from SDK-5_40_00_40 to SDK-6_10_00_29. When I run the project, the program enter PowerCC26X2.c --> switchXOSCHF() --> if(!PowerCC26X2_oschfTrySwitchToXosc()) cannot pass. My change is showing below…
Part Number: LP-CC1352P7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1352P7
Hi Ti,
Does Wi-SUN Router Node can actively send data packets to Border Router?
After studied the examples from SDK I only found the way Border Router use spinel command to request Router…
The TI real-time operating system known as SYS/BIOS or TI-RTOS is a mature and robust RTOS supported on generations of microcontroller products. It continues to be the primary RTOS supported in the SimpleLink CC13XX and CC26XX SDK . Texas Instruments is…